Anyone surprised by this has had their head up their fucking ass for decades. Joe Biden, like the rest of his fellow travelers in the party, is a serial liar. As a matter of fact, if he, they, state something as fact? You can be assured that it is exactly opposite of what the real truth is.
I'm no special pleader for this treasonous piece of JAMF shit but, Barry's mother, a lily white woman from Kansas makes Barry a US citizen. It don't matter where on this planet he was born. His mother was a citizen and by birth, Barry is a citizen. And that is not a "birth certificate". It is a "certificate of live birth". There's a difference.
Now is he a "natural born citizen"? I say no. His father was a Kenyan national, not a US citizen.
I think Hunter has had a long running hatred of his father. Joe molested him as a child along with his sister and that kind of resentment and hate is a hard thing to get past. Explains why he left his laptop at that computer repair shop back when. He was hoping it would all come out then. All the evidence is on that laptop including treason, pedophillia, pay for play, all of it.
I think Hunter is going to turn on on his father and everyone else who aided and agetted him. Surprisingly, we'll be thanking Hunter for getting his life straightened out and doing the right thing. It's never too late to repent and ask for forgiveness. From US and God almighty.
You are spot on anon. This fight is eternal. They will never give in until they are made irrelevant in charting the future course of this nation. Even if that ever happens, they will continue on the "Long March Forward".
I tracked AF1 one day on ATC live. Even though the callsign is empty the crew still checked in with the ARTCC's with the AF1 callsign. ATC also acknowledged, Roger AF1, Flt level 370".
And the key word here is "Ongoing". Although there is no SoL's for Treason the conspiracy continues to this day.