I'm not a bot, everything is CUSTOM.
I'm not a bot, everything is CUSTOM.
Kek, wtf is this..
Yeah, I thought it was funny.
As do you?
I guess I'm just an advanced bot.
Wouldn't be the first time someone thought that.
Team of agents was the funniest one.
No idea what that means.
But that was vatican faggot you were responding to.
He just gets deleted anyways, probably worthless to talk to him.
He won't even open a dialog and will just continue to spam the board.
Okay cool.
I doubt some nigger bitch posts here.
People have said nigs gonna nigs for a long time.
The fact that you equate the two is seriously crazy.
There has to be more instances of people saying "niggers gonna nig" then those posts.
I've seen that shit on /pol/ a fuck load of times.
It is common.
Q started at /pol/ and those were the early days when a lot of /pol/locks were on board.
Seems like a coincidence
Looks like people have been still saying it in 2024…
I don't know what you are getting at?
It's a common phrase.
Yes, it is..
It's over 200 times on qresear.ch
Look at how many times it was continued to be said beyond her post.
You're chimping out, bud.
Kek, that would be terrible for my cred if anons figured out I was just a chat bot.
I looked up, "gonna nig"
It pops up over 200 times.
And yes it is the same phrase.
You are grasping at straws.
It's a common phrase.
Jesus fucking Christ, get a grip faggot.
I'm very elusive.
Okay, you go do that.
I will probably be some schizo bullshit that you cannot be convinced otherwise about.
Some dumbass shit that you are convinced of and cannot fucking describe in a way that anyone would understand.
You're so fucking crazy, it's insane.
You're actually a schizo fuck, you thought I was that nigger and even said LOVELIES ever?
You idiot that shit isn't even in my fucking dictionary and I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING TWITTER.
Everything you do is about TWITTER, you're a schizo and fucking Elon Musk is apparently talking to you through his fucking posts.
You don't see how crazy you seem, do you?
Like holy shit, faggot.. I don't have a twitter and since all your "research" is from TWITTER than you cannot dig on me.
Sorry, but simple truth.
Carry on, it's amusing.
Nah, you're just a schizo and can't admit you are wrong in so many ways.
This is a part of schizophrenia, you self validate your reality and no one can tell you otherwise.
It's just part of your psychosis.
Mind you can be a FUNCTIONAL schizo, that is true.
It's like being on a trip.
Could you stop nigging around?
Holy shit, niggers gonna nig..
My playbook?
What the fuck are you even saying, EVER?
You're schizoing out, simple as.
Go research some deviants TWITTER, fucking twitter.. like holy shit.. TWITTER?
Yeah and call that a dig on ME.
You are such a schizo, it's crazy.
Maybe Elon Musk will fucking post to tell you what a faggot you actually are?
I'm not spamming red text?
You didn't even read my post to you.
Fucking faggot.
Niggers gonna nig, I suppose.
You didn't win shit, idiot.
You are schizo and self validate your psychosis and cannot see outside of it.
This is common.
I just feel bad for you.
Many such cases.
Niggers gonna nig, man.
Okay, social pony.
Like I give a damn about your fucing social media presence.
You're such a fucking schizo, it's crazy.
The fame went to your head and now you are a chimpanzee.
Guy, you are so insane.
I even think about you ever until I see you ass on this board.
You a schizo, dude.
Simple as, I can't talk you out of it.
That is just how it works, you self validate and cannot be convinced outside of your own psychosis.
Just the name of the game.
We are done talking now.
You will think you won because of this.
That is how you psychosis functions.
Guy, it's seriously insane the amount of (you) I'm generating.
Yeah, because your a retard twitter nutjob.
Listen maybe Elon fucking Musk will post a twat just to target your schizo mind.
Do you understand how crazy you sound?
It's insane, like holy shit.
You actually think fucking Elon Musk is talking to your shitposts on a mongolian basket weaving forum..
Continue to derail from the topic at hand, your schizophrenia.
Tell me more about how Elon is fucking talking to you through his tweets on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
You do realize how crazy this sounds, right?
I live in your head, boy.
You will think about this next time he posts.
Just the nature of the beast.
Kek, you're serious aren't you?
Night of the fucking schizos, holy shit..
Yep, Elon Musk is 100% talking to you through his tweets and a fucking underwater basket weaving forum.
Top kek faggot, you're some comedy gold.
Yep, you are so right all of the time.
Yes, in your schizo mind that spammer was me.
You are correct.
This is how simple your line of thinking is.
Alright, bye bye Anon.
Have fun with these schizo faggots.
Hopefully someone picks up the bake.