Current Enemies of America
Catholic Church
Morman Church
Ankanazi (Zionist)
Current Enemies of America
Catholic Church
Morman Church
Ankanazi (Zionist)
Bomb the Vatican Russia
You know you want to do it.
Tis the season for treason charges. Treason is impardanable.
Unless you use a led cap
Never going to work. Infrastructure will be destroyed. Nice try
If you understand IT. Not happening
Power. Data wireless.
Satellite will require ground stations. Such ad starlings Google agreement
You need routers switches millions spare transformers.
Obviously world leaders are stupid
Current power grid easily susceptible to attacks. In civil wa rights cell towers will be destroyed first
You need to understand ip addressing.
Yes your going to get 7billion to cooperate. Kek
We need to bring back federal mental institutions
No I think you need a mental evaluation. This is what zionists want to believe. Kek
They think it be a certain way and it's not even close