yuckvette tossin drumpf salad omg
hory chit
drump salad tossing
drumpf larpin
bidet huntur on duh bidet scene wiff canOFduh jenkum lintodid spam
juw rally want yur sins recorded in a hauntid buuk huh
oh wow
juw liar
oh wow
juw liar creepypasta fo HObamamfroot$
oh wow
greek juw wiggur touched bi unkles wants to steal yo nigginbutt hogg wallet fo jfk jr
a hauntid buuk bout trotsky wants sum nigginbutt
>a hauntid buuk bout trotsky wants sum nigginbutt
buuk of hunuturs sins
hunturs crack pipe slipped out CP laptop for seditious faggot faykin duh straight cosplay fayk twat babelin babylon cannibalisms antichrist spam seo crusade of harry duuky