Yew was in the narrative yesterday because they used to make long bows out of it. I watched a youtoob vid on 'em.
Lots of projection this morning. It's interesting to note where this "movement" started and what kind of platform it was started on. People recently joining here would be well served to do a bit a research on the custom and tradition of such a place if they didn't want to stand out so much in their own ignorance.
>You think you're the only oldfag here?
HMMM. The only one that remembers my timeline, perhaps.
>Are you going to claim you didn't post a dick-pic that got mistaken for CP?
Yeah, I am.
You think Mockingbird is a joke.
Also, I never said I was important.
Just someone with a good memory who can post links to back up my claims.
>Do it. Your posted links didn't refute anything I claimed.
That's some mediocre avoidance of the issue here. The fact remains the the whole Q movement started on an anime image board and Tubbs was one of the first if not the first baker that was administrating the CBTS generals on 4chins. The culture of image boards began because of anime and it was about posting anime and the discussion of it. Other hobbies and political discussion came later. Q posted in the beginning there because of "reasons" and the lack of censorship. Tubbs was at the beginning of the movement as well because they are a part of it. What does that say about agency cucks who get payed to come and try to disrupt the narrative and run interference? There's oldfags, and then there's "I saw the whole thing since it's inception." That's not a bragging right or a dick measuring contest, it's just a statement of fact. If you don't like the origins of this movement than why be here?
I don't remember how you spell Bayerenstein bears. I do remember digging into the Las Vegas "Harvest" shooting that stunk to high hell and then a month later Q habbened. 7 years later, I find myself here. Co orbiting ever closer to my Taygetan anime waifu twin flame.
Must be getting pretty good a making sandwiches by now.
Did you know?
Many plastics are derived from petroleum distillates?
Now they have a process that turns microplastics into Graphene that some say is super-conductive. Throw in a little Carbon Buckeyballs and what do you get?
P.S. I downloaded pic related a year or more ago before "GM" was even a thing.
Water Island?
Sounds like a continuation of the Warhammer Saga.
I'm not sure if there's any truth to this movie or not, but I know back in the beginning, I was taught to fear the black goo.
It's not so bad, just work a little Geometry like Pythagoras did.
I thought they redefined to UAP or whatever. Always trying to get a handle on language.
Also, a Blackhawk just flew over my house.
Not sure if proof was posted on Nov. 3 but today would be the done in 30.
How come no one ever talks about Catalonia? That was another color revolution right?
What was this?<^>
Ideology and genetics are not the same thing tho.