release the fucking free energy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Canada and USA united would make a country bigger than Russia by land, imagine
isn't it funny that Greenland is called Greenland while there's snow all over it and Iceland is called Iceland while it's mostly green
strange world
>Up is down.
>Left is right.
because the real sauce would come from the steak itself
you don't need artificial flavour enhanced sauces if you prepared a real steak of good quality
same with chicken
a self grown, healthy and well fed chicken, that lived to see the sun and was able to wander over the weeds and pick whatever it wanted and had varied food sources doesn't need anything extra when cooking – happy chicken
only the manufactured, poorly fed and badly treated chicken kept in cages taste like shit and you need this and that to add some flavour
believe me
so it was the dinosaurs that named it greenland?
oh yeah, the colonizing thing
the overall excuse for why you can't get stuff at home in order
btw: Hi Elon, fuck you!
ok, do Finland then
There must be a huge Christmas tree somewhere
>point Zero
>emperor of the Franks
interesting, anon didn't know about point zero in France
Charlamagne was the guy who won all battles due to allegedly being in the possesion of the Holy Lance, no?
better late than never
you can split notables into 27056-A and 27056-B for example
>the Holy Lance is housed in the Imperial Treasury in Vienna
it's not the original lance
this one looks like a medieval lance not a Roman lance
even a child can see that
we at 380 posts
please don't make anons leave this dancefloor for another dancefloor while we're at it
make A and B if necessary
but don't lock the bread FFS