Wonder why POTUS picked his ass to begin with?
Why waste the time with a shit-pick like this. This asshat belongs in federal prison for Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law violations.
As do I. GUILTY.
It is not enough for elected and appointed officials to just be fired from their public servant jobs. They should face felony charges with stiff federal prison punishment. 25 years, no chance of parole. I would also add to the penalties forfeiture of all benefits, retirement and personal assets.
18 U.S. Code ยง 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law is already on the books and yet I hear nothing about this law from anyone. Nothing. The death penalty is a possible punishment if by one's actions, caused the death of an individual. Dr. Fauci is one who comes to mind.
When and where was this anon? Looks like KSFO.
Yea, I wouldn't be so quick to praise that crew. The B777 taking the runway was in plain sight and the B747 crew should have seen that way before they initiated a go around. Not shown in the video but the 777 had to be nosing out onto the runway when the 747 was still far enough from the runway threshold to start the go around. At least 1/4 mile out or even farther. No one was looking out the fucking windscreen at the runway area? No, that crew lucked out and just by a cock hair. Unforgivable actually.
And no one was apparently listening to the tower freq unless the 777 just pulled the fuck out there. Still, this should have NEVER been that damn close and wow, it was "close"!!!
Depending on the severity of the violation, it should be anon.