Im thinking utopian in a sense because thats where we should all aspire to get. I think that the glue that christianity provides is true partially, but on the same token consider the differences between different christian branches thorugh history, some of which turned to bloody conflicts. Christians killing other christians.
I do think that maintaining an organization, whether its organized religion or communism, to keep the "masses" together is the same sheep mentality that cabal uses to its advantage. Sure the core values of every religion should be taught, but they are universal (dont do to other what you dont want the other to do to you), but keeping an organization for the masses to follow will keep the people dependant, weak and enslaved. I believe that this is what created the depenaldant and weak minded mentality we see today in the first place, decades upon decades of being dependant.
As for the communist russia, sure many of the ones who established the ussr were jews, some probably power hungry after years of jewish repressions under the tzar, and these people were thirsty for power. Some were probably idealists and usefull idiots. I can tell you personally though, since my family is connected to russia, that the communists prosecuted everyone especially jews and other minorities. In the stalin era they were locking people up in siberia or shooting them as if it was a national sport, and later they just prevented certain ethnicities from progressing in the bureaocracy in some areas. USSR was the most corrupt state ever created. Many of the proaecuted people were just common people who were in the wrong place and in the wrong time.
But you cannot say that is was a part for a global jewish conspiracy. Th ussr was pushed by some powers probably, bankers, who knows, but these peiple didnt care about the common jew just like they didnt care about the common christian.