The Information System of the Future
We want to build a new kind of network for We the people. A replacement for the internet, because the anonymous internet can never be secured. That's why the C-A and the other intel agencies keep it around. The constant spy vs spy of viral/anti viral innovation, or lies on top of lies, has created a confounding hall of mirror, which anyone may successfully impersonate anyone else.
What kind of network would serve the need of a free people, and not be subject to abuse?
This anon spent the last couple of years with scientist and crypto anons working on the design of such a network. Secure for all because it is secure from all (including the people who build it).
One of the things you want in such a network is ownership. Communications are as essential as air. The network connects each to all and all to each. WE the PEOPLE must own the information system of the future. Whatever the costs of its development, ownership must revert to the users when costs are repaid.
That reversion to user is part of the plan we developed to create this network of our future.
Another important property of the secure network of the future is it must offer both elective anonymity and secure identity to a very high level of assurance.
Just as we need a single permanent lifetime identity in the real world we must have one in digital space so that there is no possibility anyone can successfully impersonate another user.
We know how to do this.
Another thing we need is secure polling an and balloting. You control your vote. When you vote you will know have voted and that your vote was counted.
We can instantiate the guarantee the rights of citizens by coding them into the protocols of the new network so they are fundamental to network function and can never be removed.
Why is this so important?
We need to make use of VR and MR to manage the present and future exponential phenomena. Non linear technologies are tremendously powerful and may produce dangerous unexpected effect as a result of unexpected, unforeseeable interactions.
We plan to build the university of the world in virtual space. The free education available there will link attainment directly to virtual employment.
The problem is that VR and MR technologies are extremely dangerous to use over insecure networks. It is trivial to insert information into streaming VR or MR that is introduced directly into the brain below the level of user awareness where it is retained and controls future decision making.
No shit anons, we do not want the googler, or the Facebook clone and his cult witch handler tapping directly into our brains via the biggest bandwidth pipe in the human body.
autist get this right away, information supply is a PUBLIC UTILITY, no one private interest should ever be allowed to own what is essential to all human life and especially our information supply. We want our information supply to be as pure (error free) as possible, and to have error correction at every level.
My problem has been laying this out for normies so they see how dangerous anonymous insecure networking is, not just to National Security, to the future of democracy in the world but to each one of us personally.
Now if we add a dimension or two and tap into some universal information field we may not need material networking. But until that happens we do.
Advanced computational civilizations rest on secure networking. For that reason this anon believes that our highest national security priority and our highest international security priority are the creation of a network such as very crudely described.
This has to be an international program, because a universal network must be trusted by everyone who uses it, and to do that their scientist must be involved in conception and engineering.
The scientist anons who conceived and developed these ideas stand at the tippy top of their field and have sr faculty positions at our best schools. They know this network must be built and will do this because without it we can not safely go to space and harvest trillion dollar asteroids.
We created a formal structure, George Hale Institute to do "large scale, high priority science and engineering projects for the benefit of all mankind. "
George Hale was a scientist, one of the founder's of Caltech who also dreamed big and realistically initiating yuge project for the benefit of mankind and a scientist of the highest integrity.
A universal secure self improving information distribution system owned by the people who use it is essential. Let's make it happen ASAP.