The non-perv'd old ones aren't weren't near as much at the antique store as the Mouse Cock ones are.
>- the real SP
Authenticity Scoreboard Warning
It is well known by even moar than the Omnishifters that Real SP considers Tranime to be the mastermind behind Vatty, MAGA Patriots, and a few other characters from the wrong side of the tracks.
Ergo, he would never applaud a Tranny Bake.
Besides, last I left off here Real SP was on strike because the Admins here don't have his 6.
I kinda screwed up above, Not_Toilet, my bad.
MAGA Patriots is too old school.
I should have used AI Warfare instead.
Substitute aftershave for coffee mug brand name in your post and it would score a 90+ on the Real SP Authenticity Scoreboard.
99.9% of us don't post anything Notable on QR 2024 so not sure why you felt the need to single SP out like that.
Besides, Muh Notables are just copypastas from the Watkins Report anyway.
Prolly depends upon how stereotypical of a nose they have.
If it's even moarso than the Abby Baseline then I'd say yes is the answer to your question.
>t. Come on, darkie, do I look like I have a white face?
>anyone "too special" to slurp horse paste.
Fair point since it tastes like apples.
If it tasted like beef liver then you'd be on a much weaker foundation here.
Since Columbo was posted above…
Ok, so let me get a better understanding here, was there any mention of TKD during these juice discussions?
Ayo hol up.
SP is the OG of the phrase GM Crew.
And of course believes Tranime is the ringleader of it.
Yeah, but you did have to get under the desk when the Rooskies are bombing!!! drill bell went off.
Granted they made much stronger real wood desks back then, but still.
>nothing but nonsense breadz
That's always been Graveyard's MO tho.
At least it stayed consistent.
Unlike Day Shift.
Sgt Ching Chang, why u no longer fuck with Filipino boats like I said?
>They filed a protest sir!
Oh shit, not that.
Now we need Plan B.
Early 70's Gen X kid thang.
Around the mid 70's we started only doing the Tornado Alley usual drills.
So, not all GenX has memberberries.
You have given us much entertainment with the sordid details of your debauchery.
So, I have no problem with the Pardon.
Seems like a fair compromise in lieu of paying you royalties.
People ask me, Hunter why do drive? Why do you not fear Black SUVs? Why must you live out the songs that you wrote?
>As some of you know
Uh, you're not namefagging or avatarfagging, so not sure how that's supposed to work.
Also, many such imitationfagging exists here.