For certain, short sighted, individuals the purpose of human civilization is to use society to create "vehicles" made up of organizational structures which they can personally "drive" around as though they were some sort of higher order entity. They already believe, and act, in this way with things as they are right now. Unfortunately this is entirely a fiction and therefore destined to return to the place it came from: nothing. If society is to survive this ordeal at all, it must be capable of being run by individuals who actually understand it for what it is instead: a community which works for the mutual benefit of all those who share a common connection, without unduly intruding where it's neither needed nor wanted.
I'm convinced this is the reason that some hate Jesus so much: because he showed people how to live together amicably, and so there was no desire for people to wield the power of the state against each other in their daily lives, solidifying the superstructure of these "vehicles".