Dual citizenship holders and hyphenated allegiance folk must be barred from representing the populace.
In a post a long time ago, this anon accidentally omitted the "o" from the word "count." Mistakes happen.
>would you accept an eo 6102 on bitcoin
No. Currency in gold or silver only. No vaporware fake "money."
IF he used the "fully automatic rifle" the neighbor who heard the screams coming from the woods would also have heard the rifle fire. I'm betting the sicko took pleasure in slitting his wife's throat with that saw.
The US military has committed treason against We the People by deliberate mass murder. Planning, research, implementation under cover of "national security" and covering up the truth of the matter. ALL who participated in this treasonous mass murder must pay the ultimate price for their duplicity.
"Some they do and some they don't; and some you just can't tell. Some they will and some they won't; and some it's just as well."
Yet you still call it "home."
Don't watch the lights - they could be entraining your mind to control you remotely.
One ping only.
>These committees sound more like a gate keeping function to control what DOGE goes after and try to limit what DOGE can do.
Bingo. Dubs of truth.
Conjecture: maybe it's a trap, to build their confidence to be more obvious about their crimes, and to keep them at hand, convincing them it's not necessary to flee to their bunkers.
Didn't Pelosi hire the Awan brothers and permit them access to everyone's computers?
My conjecture: the 3 keywords are intended to put the investigators off the scent of the true motive and perpetrators. Seems very FF-ish to this anon.
IF BHO was never qualified to take the office, nothing he did holds when challenged. Pardons would therefore crumble under scrutiny.