What is that purple bowling ball symbol
This is no time to surrender.
crystal ball = "think mirror"= "good guys" are occultist too?
Scrying (also known by various names such as "seeing" or "peeping") is the practice of looking into a suitable medium in the hope of detecting significant messages or visions. The objective might be personal guidance, prophecy, revelation, or inspiration, but down the ages, scrying in various forms also has been a prominent means of divination or fortune-telling. It remains popular in occult circles, discussed in many websites, and books; both modern and centuries old…
Nostradamus practised scrying; he would stare into a bowl of water or a "magic mirror" to see the future while he was in trance…
In Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle the use of a mirror to view people and places the viewer knew in the present was possible with the drawback of not being able to see anything to which they had no knowledge. The attempt to scry the future would cost the user their life… (wikipedia)
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