Anonymous ID: 8746ab July 19, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.2211979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2008 >>2052 >>2448 >>2629

We have recently been looking a lot at a Polish family

Named Strzok

And some people have looked for links to a family named

Brzezinski as in Zbigniew and daughter Mika

But there is another nepotistic Polish family

That we have not yet explored for connections to these ones.

In reading up on Sergey Brin of Google I found this


There is a photo of the two founders in a "garage"

Which they rented from Susan Wojcicki

And she is now CEO of YouTube.

Sergey was married to her sister Anne

And like the Brin family, the Wojcicki clan includes people

Who focus on physics and others on microbiology/genetics


Not sure what it means but I stumbled on this

While digging on Valerie Jarrat's dad, i.e. Iran connections

Seems that He was connected to Pritzker medical school

At University of Chicago

Which is where Brin's great aunt Rachal Katsin

Was a microbiologist around the time Pritzker was formed.

And I have been stuck on Rachal for a while

Because she became a Communist in the USA

After being sent here as a prisoner of war

While a student in Germany during WWI

Anonymous ID: 8746ab July 19, 2018, 11:47 a.m. No.2212062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2115



Of course Putin knows


Trump and Putin talk REGULARLY on the telephone

There are a large number of American military people

In Moscow and in Syria who communicate regularly

When Russia has some important military action in Syria

They invite foreign Military attaches

To their fancy command center with the wall of video screens



The government of Russia and the USA


There is a reason why Trump used the word COMPETITOR

At the Helsinki summit.

Go to New York.

Watch the cutthroat competitors go to the same restaurants

Hang out in the same clubs

Play golf with each other at the weekend

And go to the same parties.


That is what he means.

And if you haven't read The Art of the Deal yet,

Then you are missing a lot.


P.S. I wonder if the Wharton school at U. Penn

Has something to do with Trump's economic views

Which seem so contrary to accepted knowledge

And yet in practice, it is clear Trump is RIGHT!

Anonymous ID: 8746ab July 19, 2018, noon No.2212172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2288

A smart person would sell that 9mm

And use the money to buy turmeric powder

And start taking a dose of 1/4 tsp black pepper with i heaped tablespoon of turmeric, mixed in warm water, at least once a day.


And go to the library computers and research other natural cures

Like MMS - Miracle Mineral Supplement

And silica rich water

And chelation

And borax and so on.

Anonymous ID: 8746ab July 19, 2018, 12:01 p.m. No.2212177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2196



A smart person would sell that 9mm


And use the money to buy turmeric powder


And start taking a dose of 1/4 tsp black pepper with i heaped tablespoon of turmeric, mixed in warm water, at least once a day.


And go to the library computers and research other natural cures


Like MMS - Miracle Mineral Supplement


And silica rich water


And chelation


And borax and so on.

Anonymous ID: 8746ab July 19, 2018, 12:07 p.m. No.2212213   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Just look at Russia's aircraft industry

Many companies build planes, military and civilian

When the Russian air force needed to upgrade its fleet

It didn't spend all of its money on one overly complicated plane

They got several companies to compete in producing the best

And they got several 5th-6th generation aircraft out of it

And they stimulated their domestic industry as well

So that a military aircraft company, Sukhoi, now produces

A nice commercial passenger jet as well.


This is how to rebuild infrastructure


All the competitors trying to be best by making better products

And instead of picking one winner like the Communists

And the Globalists

Use them all, because they will all have different strengths and weaknesses.

Anonymous ID: 8746ab July 19, 2018, 12:14 p.m. No.2212282   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This makes no sense at all

There must be some coded message in this

Facebook's existence has nothing to do with tech dominance

They produce a product that nobody needs

The only thing that keeps them going

Is the American Communist Central Committee

Which we call interlocking directorships of the globalist Illuminati

If Facebook breaks up

The there will be lots of companies competing

To provide news and info and sharing

To Americans and to others.


I hate to keep pointing to Russia

But they have VKontakte which is Facebook like

And they have Odnoklassniki which is based on what school

You went to and is also very popular

And then there is which has all kinds of social network

Services, beyond just email.

They are also a major search engine

Competing with Yandex and Rambler


COMPETITION is the key

With competition you get diversity and innovation

And there will always be gaps in the market that new startups can climb into.

Anonymous ID: 8746ab July 19, 2018, 12:19 p.m. No.2212314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2351



Sone caucasian people have a genetic defficiency

That leads to depression

Unless they take regular B6 and B12 supplements.

Also, if you are under stress

You need all the B vitamins

And many people are deficient in Vitamin D

So if you do not spend several hours naked in the sun

Every day, Vitamin D can stop the constant

Colds and coughs and flus from knocking you down


But most importantly

Is to step up and take responsibility

And learn for yourself

And try out these remedies to see what works on you

Only you can do this effectively

Don't be a sheep