>P.S. I wonder if the Wharton school at U. Penn Has something to do with Trump's economic views Which seem so contrary to accepted knowledge And yet in practice, it is clear Trump is RIGHT!
Trump is only giving the appearance of supporting the traditional Wharton teachings of "the American system" of economics. When you listen to him, or his proxy Steve Bannon, talk about China the real complaints come out and they are unsatisfied with China's commitment to globalist free trade. Their problem is that China is fully implementing what we perceive as "the American system", which isn't appreciably different to the mercantilism of China's past that precipitated the jewish Opium Wars. China isn't interested in importing anything it doesn't absolutely need and it isn't going to deviate from that.
Trump's ideas on China have more in common with the gunboat diplomacy the US used against Japan to forcibly open that nation to trade against its wishes.