What they did was illegal.
They just got away with it because they have everyone bribed and/or blackmailed into not doing anything about it.
What they did was illegal.
They just got away with it because they have everyone bribed and/or blackmailed into not doing anything about it.
All that money spent on public bathrooms and women still don't get any privacy from transgenders and transvestites invading their space.
If they have a lot of money, they can hire personal body guards.
Satan desperately wants a human body because he thinks that he will be able to fool people into believing that he is the Promised Messiah instead of Jesus being the Promised Messiah.
Take them with calcium supplements for the Vit. D to work.
This case will set a precedent.
Islam was created in 600 AD to Combat Christianity.
Who created the Religion of Islam?
Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc supplement.