The avatar of amalek is located in Blairsville, Georgia, he is wearing the Sheriff uniform
The avatar of amalek is located in Blairsville, Georgia, he is wearing the Sheriff uniform
Some people are born that way
Some scientists create trannies
So they can be taught to hate you
While you hate them
While they are kids they get raped by them
Satans Kingdom
>It's domination, if bolsheviks and their freemasonaries can kidnap kids, torture them, eat them, and the ones they do not kill, turn to trannies then it is just mockery of the host nation they are in
Nepotism eventually runs its course, the money printer can only go un-audited for so long
Fuck sake, look at the layout of DC. They've been here for 100+ years, using the money printer to buy sheriffs, judges, police, feds, owners of companies, etc..
>butt worms typed this