I wonder how much 0bama got for all of his secret pardons.
I still can't figure out how someone can convert to a race.
Men used to treat women with respect.
When men stop respecting women, women stop respecting men.
Gee, I wonder who could have set this applecart upset?
Who made a bunch of laws that made women into 2nd class citizens?
Now comes the blame game.
What about the Cult of Judaism?
The Cult of Catholicism
Do Freemasons claim to be a religion though?
The Cult of Mormonism
The Cult of Judaism created the Cult of Catholicism and the Cult of Islam and the Cult of Mormonism.
All of these Cults combat Christianity.
So Catholics are not Christians?
There is no point in being a Jew if they are not all united.
The Jews created both of these religions.
So all Abrahamic Religions are Christians?
So basically there are Christians and there are non-Christians.
Got it.
Sort of like there are Jews and there are non-Jews.
All non-Jews are called Goyim.
What are all non-Christians called?
my bad
I thought maybe Christians had a special word for non-Christians, the way that Jews have a word for non-Jews.
What is a heathen?
>Could that be the word you are trying to coax me into saying?
Not really.
That word just kinda popped into my head while I was typing.
Then I looked it up.
kek, she's making fun of the transgenders