Anonymous ID: d1631c Dec. 7, 2024, 5:23 a.m. No.22123485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3558

AI technology is relatively new to the public coming into the light in 2017 and by 2020 all of humanity knew about it.

It became a common tool used by the big tech companies and provided to the public.


Look at the timing of the release and push into the light.



When did Q start posting?


I do not think it is a coincidence. I believe they wanted AI kept secret but had to have a counter to pics and video potentially being dropped by Q.


They thought the pics would drop and were willing to bring a secret guarded technology they were planning to use against us to counter the Q operation.

Anonymous ID: d1631c Dec. 7, 2024, 5:33 a.m. No.22123519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3532










Anonymous ID: d1631c Dec. 7, 2024, 5:50 a.m. No.22123555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3557 >>3594

The Pleiadians: A New Era of Awakening


At the time of New Year your Earth will formally enter a new era of awakening, a completely new phase, a pathway opening that begins a higher cycle. A shift of unlimited potential for humanity, allowing those of you on the path to enter another realm of your multidimensional consciousness. Simultaneously to this happening all the Universal energetic systems will be impacted. This process is all pre-destined for a completely new cycle of awakening for a rapid reset for the entire Universe. Understand as your Earth enters this transitional phase of vast change our resident Universe can go through another alignment to the God Seat of Power.


The action of this energetic shift will be as though a tsunami of light enters Earth, radiating and infusing light across the planet. Shifting all Timelines, anchoring open alternate reality spaces and unlocking the old ancient density that has been buried within your earth plane for lifetimes.


The full Universal community will be working together to support this vast energetic transition of Earth. There will be an enormous transfer of higher light particles descending from the heavenly realms during this process. They will be embedded within the sacred sites of Earth and within the Magnetic core to support this metamorphic shift of Timelines within the planet. These higher consciousness light particles are designed to assist in the permanent merging process of these alternate reality spaces. As they fully engage energetically, they will become a natural extension of the energetic landscape of Earth.


These alternate reality spaces that are merging will originate from the5th/ 6th dimensional consciousness realms. They carry a series of memory awakening frequency pulses that engage through your brain synapse and open into the Pineal, working to reposition the DNA strands. These pulses are positioned to realign you to an awakening, for you to remember who you are and have always been. These alternate reality spaces are designed to create an energetic mirrored platform to support you to begin a naturally readjust to the frequency of your higher self-realized state that has always been a part of your makeup.


These alternate reality spaces have always been a part of Earth’s multidimensional energetic makeup, however now they are to become an active extension of the earth planes consciousness. This ‘active’ merging of their energies will support you in moving beyond your ego mind’s persona, allowing the ego mind’s limited perception to no longer control you through illusion. Bringing you into the realignment of Truth, realigning you to your natural heritage of wisdom, knowing, Oneness….


Know that in any given moment you can regain the experience of realizing your fully potential. You have always been a sacred multidimensional being. This is the moment to self-realize, a process of simply remembering. As the shifts take place within the Timelines of Earth you will be assisted to reposition back into your natural state of re-aligning to your self-realized potential. You, as a conscious awakened being are destined to play the role of holding the frequencies steady within your Heart during this time of upheaval.


The preparation for these upcoming changes is to take a moment in your day to achieve a conscious reconnection within your Heart space. Each time for open into this process you will impact the alignment of light on the planet. Your Heart is a multidimensional tool, it plays the role of morphing into a natural Platform of light, whenever you choose to consciously align and anchor through your Heart.


Your Heart’s multidimensional potential is awake within you now. The Heart is a tool to be actively utilized by you in your day-to-day life. Your Heart is magically designed to act and become a pure Platform for you to stabilize within throughout the day. Utilizing your Heart consciously creates a quickening of your energetic systems, like turning on a light switch each physical cell of your body begins to pulse, radiate the unique frequency of your Heart outwards, naturally, like breathing. Within the Universe you are always recognized through the unique pulsing of your Heart cells.


Your conscious choice action of working within the tool of your multidimensional Heart sets in motion the activation of your self-realization process. Through your Heart you can realize, experience your authentic self. Taking moments to be still within your Heart allows your Heart’s multidimensional functioning to switch on. Then you will begin to perceive, recognize the vast space of power, light that exists within your Heart.