do you have to have a permit for an Iludium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator?
Asking for a fren…
do you have to have a permit for an Iludium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator?
Asking for a fren…
….suspects that anon is wearing either a black or tan trenchcoat perhaps
Looks like she's on the bordeaux this time
Chuck is in need of a good dressing down
and possibly
if merited
a Rothschild style poke to the sternum
mum is quite displeased
some off the cuff humor that only a few appreciated
French Indochina aka Indochinese Union aka Indochinese Federation
ie…there's going to be a bootcamp style blanket party of pardons instead of soap
mais bien sur, je vais lui jeter du caca
buy the chatlogs
and that nifty cardboard sign too
autographed by….well, whoever it was that was carrying it