Anonymous ID: 71f7a8 July 19, 2018, 2:06 p.m. No.2213200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3256

Anyone else wish POTUS had (or utilized) a top-notch press firm to help shape his messages to a broader audience?


I think he has done an incredible job as POTUS and I'm damn glad that I voted for him, but it's hard not to think he would do even better with more messages crafted towards unity.


I have no issues with his rhetoric and slams against all his detractors, fake news, and lying Dems, but there's a HUGE swath of American citizens that would move from the dark to the light if only POTUS spoke to them more clearly. The average American doesn't understand the nuances of the fake Russia investigation, the wedge the MSM and Dem leadership is trying to drive between POTUS and Putin, or all the crimes committed by HRC and company. The average American works all day long, catches 1-2 hours of nightly news, and goes about their lives thinking America is heavily divided when in reality that's all messaging coordinate by the MSM to TRY to divide people.


It would be incredible if POTUS held a long-segment style broad news update with supporting facts each week from the WH, using his own administration to bypass the MSM. His tweets fuel all of us and his supporters, but only push his detractors further away and into the arms of the MSM.


I'd tune into POTUS' own 15-30 minute news segment every week and they could just host it on YT through their WH channel.





Anonymous ID: 71f7a8 July 19, 2018, 2:18 p.m. No.2213296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3370


You're missing the point. There's no reason POTUS can't continue his straight talk, kick ass, AND add more firepower by speaking more delicately to those that aren't ready for the hardcore rhetoric. That doesn't mean conceding on anything, compromising on any positions, or anything like that. Just TALK.


Don't you realize the left only cares about TALK and not about ACTION? Talk is easy, so give them so talk and gain even more supporters and use his ACTION to continue solving all the problems he's currently solving.


Double whammy.