Yes, though the latest Devine contact was in 2014. All the emails look Ukraine related, like they were jointly bidding on work.
>monetising negatives production
We also pay farmers over $1 billion/yr NOT to grow crops.
They have completely decoupled loan qualification from aptitude or earning potential (and credit).
Partly because they made student loan debt non-dischargable.
So what do you think is going to happen?
College price inflation
Same thing that happened when they relaxed qualification requirements for home loans.
Housing bubble.
Make money harder to get, to only the most qualified college students with real earning potential for the career they desire, and watch prices fall across the board.
>"There's no there, there" PS
My read of this, knowing what we now know, is that is Strzok playing his part for his mark, Page.
Acting like he is hesitant vs too eager.
The good boy scout.
Learn their comms
>all of these things add up
College is bloated because they have to compete for students/moneyโฆ but also because the money is there to spend.
It's a classic inflation problem.
Reduce the money supply (ie, easy loans and grants) and watch universities get more budget religion to compete in a smaller money pool.
>colleges are also slush funds for laundering money to democrat politicians, same as unions
And education camps for socialist thought leaders and the next generation of socialists.