Anonymous ID: d79a78 July 19, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.2213527   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia Prepares To Cut All Ties With West After US Secret Service “Taster” Mysteriously Dies—And Trump Joins President Kennedy In “Treasonous Death Watch”

A foreboding new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that President Putin has authorized the continued liquidation of all US Dollars holdings as part of an accelerated plan for the Russian Federation to cut all ties with the West—most particularly due to the United States where radical-leftist “Deep State” elements have declared that a “state of war” now exists between Russia and the US only comparable to 7 December 1941 when the Japanese Empire launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor—and in whose goal to hasten this conflict, directly caused the death of a United States Secret Service (USSS) “taster” for President Trump this past weekend in Scotland—with the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) further noting that it has now placed Trump on its official “death watch” of expected soon to be assassinated American political leaders—like President John F. Kennedy was, on 10 June 1963, after he, like Trump has just done, tried to make peace with Russia—that was quickly followed by thousands of “Wanted For Treason” posters being created calling for President Kennedy’s arrest, and his then being publicly executed—and that is, once again, being dangerously reenacted with “Wanted For Treason” posters being created calling for the arrest of President Trump too.


According to this report, SVR analysts tasked with following the British intelligence services now comical “poison charade”—that has been used to great effect by the West’s mainstream propaganda media establishment to slander President Putin and the Russian Federation—became alarmed last week when news reports from the UK emerged fantastically claiming that an unknown female “Russian assassin” was part of a “six-strong person poison hit team” attempting to kill their targets with a “poisoned filled perfume bottle”.


Part 1

Anonymous ID: d79a78 July 19, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.2213528   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Part 2

No doubt, too, this report continues, along with the SVR, this fantastical claim was investigated by the US Secret Service—as President Trump was due to visit the United Kingdom prior to his meeting with President Putin in Helsinki—and one of whose most secretive duties to protect the life of a US president while traveling abroad is to test everything that their nation’s leader might come into contact with—even to the very food they eat.


Designated by the SVR as “tasters”, this report details, these highly trained and skilled agents work for the US Secret Service’s “Presidential Advance Team” that protects US presidents while traveling abroad—and that, this past week while traveling in the UK, was headed by 19-year Secret Service veteran Nole Edward Remagen—and whose personal duties included his examination of the toiletries personally used by President Trump and his wife First Lady Melania


On 15 July, this report says, this highly skilled Secret Service “taster”, while presumably examining the toiletries to be used by Trump and his wife Melania at the Trump Turnberry luxury resort they were due to stay at in Scotland, was mysteriously stricken ill—with the SVR noting that, on 16 July, the White House Medical Unit (WHMU) ordered to be brought to them from their medical evacuation aircraft at Glasgow Prestwick Airport what is known as a “Disaster Casket” equipped with a “Interchangeable Cooling Environment” device—and that yesterday, 17 July, the body of this Secret Service “taster” was placed into at the Scottish hospital he died in—at nearly the exact minute the White House “went dark” while President Trump was “pledging his loyalty” to his intelligence services—thus providing yet another example of American-British secret services “coordination of assassination activities”, such as was done in the hour prior to President Kennedy being publically executed when UK newspapers were notified of Kennedy’s assassination a full 25 minutes prior to his head being blown off.


To the current “investigative hypothesis” being worked on by SVR analysts as it pertains these current events, this report explains, is that First Lady Melania Trump, not her husband President Trump, is the one actually being targeted for death by American intelligence agencies—with the Security Council in today’s proceedings referencing a highly classified SVR file asserting that her disappearance for nearly a full month this past Spring was due to “acute kidney failure caused by poisoning”—and that should the attack on her life in Scotland this past weekend been successful, it would have, undoubtedly, been blamed on the unknown female “Russian assassin” prowling around the UK with her “six-strong person poison hit team” with their “poison filled perfume bottles”.


To the true reasons, however, that First Lady Melania Trump is being targeted for death by US and UK intelligence agencies, this report says, are her vehement anti-war beliefs that are influencing her husband President Trump—and whose beginnings of were formed in her birthplace of Sevnica, located in the Republic of Slovenia, where World War II mass graves contain the remains of nearly all of her ancestors brutally executed in mass extermination killings by the German Nazis—and where today, her half-brother Denis Cigelnjak [English] (her father Viktor Knavs’ son) has helped lead his country’s Slovenian National Party to a stunning election victory that may very well see Slovenia leaving both the EU and NATO—as this nation and its peoples are terrorified of their, yet again, becoming the “battleground of fools”.

Anonymous ID: d79a78 July 19, 2018, 2:56 p.m. No.2213532   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Part 3

For the first time in 55 years since President Kennedy was publically executed for treason, this report continues, President Trump, with his wife First Lady Melania firmly by his side, is, once again, attempting to steer his nation from the path of war and towards peace with the now fully Christian nation of Russia—but in whose attempts to do so, is now seeing the Hillary Clinton-“Deep State” controlled CIA, along with their mainstream propaganda media sycophants, openly calling for Trump’s overthrow because of his treasonous acts like it had done against President Kennedy—with even the once respected One Grand Gallery vilely unveiling their “Fuck you Mr. President” exhibit with a poster and main window display depicting the severed head of Trump for the entire world to see.





With the Security Council knowing full well how the “Deep State” deals with anyone of political power in the West even daring to speak about peace with Russia, this report concludes, President Putin today, with the full backing of the Security Council, has authorized the full implementation of the “Motherland Hands” national security protection plan to ensure the survival of the Russian Federation and its Christian peoples against a warmongering United States intent upon total war once President Trump is destroyed—some of whose protective measures include the liquidating of all US Treasury holdings held by the Russian Central Bank, the dumping of all US Dollars from the Russian economy, the cutting off of Russia from the entire Western financial system, the cutting off of Russia from the Western internet system—and—the selling to any nation also in terror of what America is fast becoming, Russia’s deadly and feared remote control torpedoes—that can sit undetected for months in the sailing paths of US warships, and offshore of US bases, ready to be activated when war begins—while at the same time, unknown numbers of “Russian Doomsday Torpedoes”, that are designed to wipe out an enemy’s coastlines and make them unlivable for generations, remain on “silent station” aboard their Russian navy submarines within a few hundred miles of both the East and West Coasts of the United States—and may be why the US isn’t even mentioned in biblical prophecy of the end times, as its foolishness will see its destruction long before God has to deal with it personally when He returns.


May God bless and protect DJT in these perilous times