>hammer Time itself?
(You) just watch!
>Why do (you) think the Chinese switched to spy balloons? Pretty risky move, no? Why weren't the spy satellites working for them? hmmmm?
Kek. As if cloud cover from airline contrail-induced cirrus clouds were a problem to satellites with the required capabilities.
18 December 2020
>and if chemtrails
You mean aircraft-induced cirrus clouds psy-oped to the genpop as 'muh chemtrails'? Never bought the illusion, Anon. Enjoy.
>if you don't sauce anything.
The Sherpas serving Mount Everest refer to the Base Camp visitors' near-continuous shacking up as 'sauce making'.
It's a "Global Warming" tactic. It has been recognized since the 8th Air Force days in WW2 that high-altitude aircraft contrails in the right atmospheric conditions can produce cirrus cloud cover. Cirrus cloud cover contributes to muh global warming. Aircraft-induced cirrus cloud cover has expanded greatly since WW2, but (You) are not supposed to think about that, Anon. Elites like to fly and make more of muh money when (You) do. 'Muh chemtrails' is the red cape. The bull is angry but misses.
>Ask the Mesiach.
Kek. Is that who the hip-thrusting acolytes worshipping at Fortress Antonia's wall are rhythmically copulating with?
>And bad luck to do on the mountain.
The word "luck" does not entirely encompass the concept, but, yes, one should respect what others who are helping you and are treating you kindly revere. Seek common ground.
>i member dis
I'll always recall the term 'chinless ophthalmologist' and where I hear it. It's unavoidable. Sorry, Mr. Assad.
>what else you want!?!??!
>NIGHT SHIFT is all like "What!? Do you want us to put her down for you too!?" '''
>the boys do look good in this 1969 performance.
The Last Waltz was a concert by the Canadian-American rock group The Band, held on American Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 1976, at Winterland Ballroom in San Francisco.
>Russia is Blessed.