Jews and Muslims slaughtering Christians
What a lovely world the scum have created
Kek….[[they]] can’t…..Obama represents the pinnacle of CIA operations, he bred and born to be a snake
Obama is their “Jackal born from a whore”
AG producing states are in for a rude awakening
Crop subsidies will end next year, wheat, corn, soybeans, cotton received 80% of federal money
It was a money laundering scheme, just ask Jon Tester
Bio diesel is a scam
You can drill in your backyard and get gas and oil, you may have to drill real deep, but there is plenty down there, Grandpa Jake told me that when I was a child.
Corn and wheat suck the like out of soil, don’t believe me? The Euphrates river valley was “breadbasket of humanity” in ancient times, now it’s a desert.
Hemp will destroy the oil world