Simple Legion is running though a theme again. One that he's established that he likes to use. Simple clown is simple. And glowing.
KEK. Hey now. I remember that one. Here's one for the Canucks. "Look up. Look waaaaay up."
Yeah, for someone that was so anti-corporation I find it funny that he allowed himself to be caught on camera at a Starbucks and was arrested at a McDonald's.
You seem to be having trouble differentiating between honoring and worshiping.
Yeah, there's a lot of red flags going off in regards to that. The question is though, is it a white hat or a black hat production? White hats with gentle nudging the normies awake, or black hats trying to cover their ass and kick the can down the road just a wee bit farther.
Good kid. Jr. raised her right. I wonder if she's planning on turning pro with all that practice she puts in.
I'll check that dub.
Now they're copying the songs posted and posting it immediately after, not just memes. Clown shoe show.
She's not crazy, you know. No more than I am. I understand her, at least what I've seen anyway.