Anonymous ID: 1ec8bf July 19, 2018, 4:53 p.m. No.2214375   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2214345 (PB)

the possibility is noted


Most of of us have nuke and thermonuke coverage under the QAnons group plan.

Hope you got in on that one!


Keep your policy in a safe place like

New Zealand.

Anonymous ID: 1ec8bf July 19, 2018, 5:58 p.m. No.2215001   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When this anon worked as a PI in Hollywood the agency had a number of wealthy clients who would have runaway childrens. The story was the clients "had heard" that the child was working as a prostitute in the gay community. Words to that effect. We were encouraged but not required to take tokens and track the latest gay porno release to see if the kids showed up in the beat booths at the local dirty bookstore.

Demoralizing kind of place.

Sometimes we'd find a kid.

Then ask yourself. Why do 11, 12, 13 year old boys run away. They run from fucked up shit, and the wealthier the family the more likely they are to sick PIs on the kids tail and have the kid dragged back home.

The kid's got a job as a swish art gallery shill, but he's not whoring and he is a gay kid with a gallery owner BF about 10 years older whose helping his complete high school.

The client who didn't get the kid back was part or some kiddie rape co-op - and almost certainly a lucie, but I wasn't looking for that and can't say for sure.

This PI Pelligrino that worked for all the Hollywood scum beating up greedy whores and ex wives who are really unreasonable.

Pellegrono emanet from Chicago.

He ran a hustle in working class namer hoods there. Single mothers whose sons had runaway or gone missing. The deal was as follow. $1500.00 now and ten thousand when he locates the child or produces proof of death.

These are working class women. Many los their young husband's in Viet Nam. They have jobs in the post office, or they clean washrooms downtown.


Tony Pellegrino never looked for the kids but he had contacts in most PDs who tipped him when a kid turned up dead. Tony would get a dental impression confirm it with dental records the client provided then hot foot it to the clients apartment and make notification and demand payment.


The John Wayne Gacy killing were a big deal. Pelligerino had to get proof of death before his clients read about it in the newspaper or some cop came and told them.


The cops where still excavating the basement when he got there. They had only recovered eight or 9 bodies and the Tribune reporters were already filing. Non of the cops would help him out.

Some one talked to him and he left Chicago. He was too much of a pussy for Chicago, but he did just fine in LA, talking to the big shots about handguns and what happens to mutts who cross Tony.


He kept his mouth shut in the slam which surprised me. I expect someone made it worth his while. They were all clients of his. And it was in the right period for Heather 'Rourke getting raped by Spielberg and his team. Tony recorded every word these snakes ever said, and the FBI seized the tapes. "Can't break that old RSA encryption" they say. They said they could pop an Iphone either and I bet half the anons here can do that.

So them mp3 are just sitting there wherever FBI keeps important evidence, maybe in someone's car.

Q might look into that, missiles permitting, because these peoples control of Hollywood is doing continuing damage an is the primary social control system for the entire world. Those shit superhero films that teach you to rely on outside help, ie demons, have toxic reflections and echoes in consciousness that persist until they are replaced more truthful and beautiful works of imagination.