7 years and you're clueless
A white hat?
not a White Kippa?
anon, he seems to be a garden variety cabal supremacist war monger who profiteers off of constant warfare.
By doing that you call attention to yourself and delimit your posts so that you are easier to identify.
That's the essence of name-phagging.
No matter, it doesn't bother me.
please report back what you find . . .
get off your high horse, anon.
twits get the filter.
bragging about your 'not-name' is name-phagging twittery and so he filters you.
Did he though? did it work.
I don't mind that you're a twit. I'm not going to filter you for being a twit.
he can filter you, and he probably did. I tested it.
whatever, anon. announcing the filter is a way to needle the shills.
he thinks you're a shill.
I just think you're a twit.
you wish people here were gay so you could meet up with them at the parade and buy them a beer . . . and more.
you don't understand: there is no 'power' being transfered. What you do is to say things that aren't true and then hope that weak minds go with it.
Filtering is fine.
it clears away the dog poop that people leave in their posts. It eliminates their depravity instantly.
it makes all the efforts useless and impotent.
this one with the delusions.
now I shall filter you as did the wise one from before. you've added nothing, and you claim false power. good bye annoyance troll.
it does, anon. I tried it
the term 'fren' means : person that one thinks is a friend, during a period of spurging, who isn't really a friend, but someone who's just there and polite.
your mom isn't going to be impressed when she gets home.
Savers exists for what you do. I hope you didn't throw away her silver stacks and coin collection.
in the 70s the half-ukrainian marxists were promoted in the music industry.
being of Jewish Ukrainian descent, back then, got you to the front of the line.
God speed. I hope you will give a chance to decide is any of her items can be kept.
did you put it all in storage or just bring it to the Savers?
old people hide cash in the oddest places.
did you make sure she didn't have any gold rings tucked into old pocket books?
money stashed inside of old books?
this one with the sick 'civil war' troll probably gets himself put on a list
no, anon.
the war is in the corridors of the gilded elites.
They have sequestored themselves off and hide out in well known locations.
on the streets and at the grocery stores, and in the parks and towns of the non-urban places, there will be no war.
People don't want it, people won't do it, and people love others, in a charitable way.
they smile at the anchor baby in the crib and admire the hard working foreigners.
you could choose a picture of this one where she's not upset about something and scowling.
Kamala always had that half smile probably because she was liquored up.
what, is that Barry's wife.
maybe there is no picture where she isn't scowling.
oh, wait, that one with the wine glass while Notre Dame was burning. She looked engleed in that that one.
I say that because I observed it.
do your homework and you'll find that Ukrainian Jews are always put at the front of the line by the other Ukrainian Jews.
It's a thing, and it's been a thing for over a hundred and fifty years.
you only need to read biographies of famous people to find out it's true.
that would be a different meaning. But I think someone made that up.
the idea of a 'far-right' what you said is a Marxist fiction of division
your narrative is hateful tripe
just because people are favored doesn't make them bad.
many Jews had no idea that they got there because they were favored.
many of the favored were also very talented.
many of the favored eventually figured it out and became great humanitarians.
many of the favored are awesome and wonderful and try to not do the nepotism favoritism thing themselves.
the first victim of crazy cabal Jews are their own children.
note: I think that one effect of the filter by name of a person with no name in a name field is that all the entries in the catalog disappear!
Can some one else check to verify this?
anon, AI is a fiction. It does what it is programmed to do.
those who let it do as it will when programmed to run insurance claims, etc, those are liable for their failure to have a human review of what the AI suggests.
It's an advanced form of lookup table and a pretense to a person that can only fool those who are not paying close enough attention.
it's soulless and programmed, like a bad play.
self-less behavior is only luadible when NOT USED to garner some kind of special favor.
bragging about your charity isn't a charitable thing to do.