Anonymous ID: d94833 Dec. 11, 2024, 7:18 p.m. No.22150443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0452



My father has neuropathy, he can't take meds because of his kidneys. He uses an infrared massager when it acts up.

Exposed to Agent Orange on an aircraft carrier. Gov won't acknowledge that his neuropathy came from Agent Orange because "he was on a ship at sea", but the jets he worked on were all covered in the shit.

I did research and what it sounds like to me is the Agent Orange damages the chromosomes responsible for proper collagen production in the body.

Because it damaged him genetically, all of his children now have the chance to develop neuropathy in the future.

So I'm researching every thing I can right now on how to best deal with this scenario if it pops up.

I think pescatarianism might be the best way to deal with it, cutting out the processed and refined carbs, grains, and sugars.

My dad loves oatmeal, and now I'm thinking that might be the worst thing for neuropathy, because of the pesticides soaked into the grain.

Cereal and Oatmeal might be really bad for neuropathy.