The Phoenix Arises.
Every 26,000 years, from the ashes, Anon.
What else happens in 26,000 year cycles?
The great year.
In 2033, the Phoenix will arise.
The Phoenix Arises.
Every 26,000 years, from the ashes, Anon.
What else happens in 26,000 year cycles?
The great year.
In 2033, the Phoenix will arise.
What else happens in 2033?
The Comet Cometh, anon's,
You have been warned, over and over again.
The Comet will come, and the Phoenix, will arise from the ashes.
The Comet Cometh, Anon.
It has always come.
The Phoenix will arise, in 2033, from the ashes from the Comet strike.
It has always been so.
And then, one day, for no reason at all, Trump created Space Force.
According to Pliny the Elder, a senator Manilius (Marcus Manilius?) had written that the phoenix appeared at the end of each Great Year, which he wrote of "in the consulship of Gnaeus Cornelius and Publius Licinius",
The term Great Year has more than one major meaning. It is defined by scientific astronomy as "The period of one complete cycle of the equinoxes around the ecliptic, or about 25,800 years". Ptolemy reported that his teacher Hipparchus, by comparing the position of the vernal equinox against the fixed stars in his time and in earlier observations, discovered that it shifts westward approximately one degree every 72 years.
The END or the great year Anon,
And the BEGINNING of a new Great Year.
The Phoenix will arise from the ashes.
You may mock, if you wish,
But you will witness the Phoenix Arise in your "lifetime".
It will be the last thing you see, but it will still come.