Officer on deck.
MKed Plumber
Elite "secret" society community is to be psycho spiritually disemboweled while their Deepstate puppets are corraled into the slow and dull meatgrinder of merciless retribution.
JFK, 911, COVID, Oklahoma City, Sandy Hook, Fentanyl and Child Sex crimes
Alphabet Fucks
Service issue.
In the mouth.
Do it in the parking lot at Langley, get out of the car though.
No use makin a mess with your worthless fuckin brain matter.
Boston is an excellent case study in stupid and ridiculous retarded commie leadership does right.
Surmise Aether.
Stupid fuckin Satanic DumbCunt Dark Mothers have ZERO chance of makin it to solstice
Writhe, stupid cunts
The progressive globalist left will never read a positive headline again.
Avalanche of ruinous exposure and destabilizing truth, the entire pile of ridiculous bullshit is fuckin GONE.
A Storm Wind's wrath, felled branches and limbs.
The wood chipper awaketh the foul with cold fear,
Dutiful whine and maw of the resolved blades make it clear, this is the final year.
Stupid and retarded Alphabet Traitors are fuckin GONE
Stupid fuckin Democrat Officials and their comped Mason state Leo/judge pigs should consider suicide immediately