yeah well knowing we want to end pedos so no more children get hurt could impact some
this is someyhing we are quite prepared to do
no probs
no I meant
calmly recognise that
the children are the
future of us
so mill stones in space for some
is a burden I can carry
I remember
same as before
only made an effort
when confronted
such a tool
easily used
u have no face
y u lost
u waste so much in responding
Gods never used to respond
u wasted godhood
ur nothing
would u like a song?
ur ash
lol u on the backfoot all night
well isn't that going
o come in handy?
u already lost
pretty sure soon
ppl find out
what just is happening
u sacred or scared?
ur an idiot
Father wants love
too much ignorance and stupid in the name of
wake up
still better than u
because we played that and u lost
did someone tell u u were smart?
doesn't understand anony
makes you sus af
lose the B
if you have value u don't need it
soz please
expalin more
you sound perturbed
waiting on judgement u mean
it has to adhere to some part of the rythm
otherwise too many questions
get back B
to defend
soz was that u B?
no you can't
you have the same
opportunities as all