Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 19, 2018, 11:51 p.m. No.2218541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8754 >>3000

Hey anons. This is in response to the “legal” Rpost. I am still foggy as to how we know these posts are the same person as he has no trip and different ID’s here but I’m going with it for this post. Apologies if the legal one is not the real guy.


Sarah Westall Interview


Matrix Solutions


SO this guy is “Prime Minister David Williams” and he has full diplomatic immunity from all laws everywhere. Just like an ambassador… Essentially he has returned to a system of Self Determination and he claims anyone can do it. Think about it. No taxes. Never be arrested. Never be searched etc. Its pretty wild. Anyway, he talks about A LOT of the stuff that “R” talks about. In particular the Admiralty law stuff and the contract law stuff. I seriously have considered pursuing it. It is right along the same lines as Land Patents and Alloidial Title ownership as well. I really think there is something to all this and I highly encourage you to all look into it. I think R is talking about the exact same stuff which would be AWESOME. The Sarah Westall interviews are REALLY worth your time if you are interested in the legal post he made. Let me know what you think.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 20, 2018, 12:52 p.m. No.2223405   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks for the listen Anon… and nice trips of Truth.. Yeah I have been learning about this stuff for about a year and it is a really big deal. It may be one of the biggest of deals IMO. There is more like this… A LOT more. I will go dig for it since there is some interest. I considered buying this man's info (which is quite pricey) simply to learn but not being a person of pit-bull personality nor a strong public speaker I felt I would get slaughtered trying to stand up to a judge doing this for myself alone. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in a court room. That said, this stuff is powerful and real. It IS at the heart of the R Legal post and needs to be worked on by some anons with far larger brains than mine. I am a great big picture guy but crap with the details. There is another lady who did a huge long video series on this stuff as well whos name I forgot but I have the link saved somewhere. I will find it. Also, There is yet another side of all this that is related to property ownership that I have found a little while back. Deep stuff related to Alloidial titles and Land patents. Lots of people have tried to free their land from the county land ownership system and taxes and code enforcement (i am one of them) with no luck. It would be colossally powerful tool in the hands of every American if they would just reach out and take it. Again, I can't do it alone. Where We Go 1, We Go All my friends. Good luck and KEK be with you.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 20, 2018, 1:09 p.m. No.2223569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3618 >>3627 >>3884


Another by David Williams:


Land Patents/Alloidial Title:

Ok, now read this article and look at generally what it is talking about.


The COLOR of title. Now go read R's legal post and see what it is talking about.


This is the process more or less that most of these guys selling a service are going to do. This is more or less what I know at this point. Lots of people offering to set up land patents for $500 and such the above is the process though. Again, if you do it you will spend your days in court defending it to judges and tax collectors who, most likely, don't give a shit so tread carefully… That said, if this actually works out and becomes common knowledge, we may be free of things like zoning and taxes and other control systems. It would be AMAZING.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 20, 2018, 2:03 p.m. No.2224018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8537

…but wait there is more! These are all the links I have collected on this topic over the last year or so since I have been working on it. I have NOT been through all of this but it is all connected to the R-type legal stuff.

The important stuff here is the White Papers under the guise of “Who do you think you are”, “Where do you think you are”, etc. Hard hitting stuff in a very well-laid out fashion.

How to avoid social security numbers

How you are probably not a US Citizen.

The ride never ends

Information about Birth Certificates.

My anons, this is depressing stuff when you really get into it and start to understand the depth and breadth of what it all means. It was hard for me to take it all in and, in many ways I rejected it as beyond my ability to do anything about. When I first went through this stuff it really was a downer. I had never felt so destroyed and used as when the magnitude of all this finally sunk into my brain. Take your time with all this and do other positive stuff in the interim. DO NOT do what I did and sit in a small dark room on rainy day after rainy day and pour over this stuff for 14 hours a day straight for like 2 weeks. It will take a toll on you if you do that. It sure did to me. Do other positive stuff and take this in small chunks interspersed with good things. Anyway, good luck and happy digging. I really REALY hope this is where this is all going. If this stuff is what R is going on about then, my anons, we are in for a VERY bright future indeed. These are the chains that bind us all and if we can find the key to breaking them then we will be more free that we can imagine. Think of a life where taxes are not legal without your consent (sales and tariff). Think of a world where hard gold and silver are currency. Think of a world of patented land ownership where NO ONE can violate your right to build or support yourself on your own land. No building codes no zoning, no bullshit government agents fining you for a million dollars because some endangered salamander went belly up in your cattle water tank. This is the type of freedoms we could not even fully grasp at this point. KEK be with you all on this journey.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 20, 2018, 2:15 p.m. No.2224104   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It would work the same way it worked in 1890… or 1790. You use a couple methods. First, before you start up a colossal pig farm that would destroy the property values of your neighbors you talk with them about it as a community and neighbors should instead of resorting to a heavy-handed one-size fits all government to instill "rule". Next, if you REALLY don't want to have a pig farm next door then simply live in town. Towns are places where people come together and agree to a set of more restrictive rules so they can live in a certain style then elect people to manage that system when established. I believe those rules in towns and cities will still exist. Rural areas though will be much less restrictive. For instance I own hundreds of acres of land in a moderately remote area and it is not legal for me to build a 300 sq foot dry cabin on it to camp in in the summer because of zoning (though I can start a pig farm if I can get past the environmental rules.)


As for many of the things you mention… Do we need them? Do we really need a military the size of the one we have now? Perhaps a small professional national guard backed up by a colossal pile of volunteers (minutemen) standing at the ready would be enough to keep the US homeland safe from invasion from foreign powers… or do you like to have a world-spanning empire emptying your wallet every day?


If one wants top end services the simply move to a city. Again, cities won't change much from my understanding. Its the rural areas that will change. Again, this is a TINY part of all this stuff. Its a lot and it is not easy to digest. I would gladly dodge potholes in the road for the rest of my life to never have to pay income taxes again… Hell, I have to do that now, might as well do it with money in my pocket. See government is not efficient… Never will be never has been. It needs to be as small as possible and as constrained as possible. I hope that helps. Truly I don't know the answers but those are my thoughts. My guess is smarter people than I have looked a lot deeper into all this. My guess woudl be look at the 1800's and see how it was done. That is likely what the answer would be.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 12:38 a.m. No.2229042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1467


This is as far as I got. I don't want to clog up the bread with a gigantic post so I stuck the file here. It is an RTF text file and my answers are in bold. I will update more tomorrow. Also these sites seem to be talking about this IN DEPTH and would be good places for answers.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 11:54 a.m. No.2232574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2627 >>2640 >>3068


Here is a ROT(anything) decoder. I do not understand what we are supposed to be decoding though to get this horrible information. I have seen some shit and am on a search for truth. What do I decode?

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 12:38 p.m. No.2232885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2900 >>3068 >>3597 >>3625 >>4134


So there is nothing to decode since that decode is trivial and automated. Got it. The R-legal post is what I am interested in honestly. I have been digging on this stuff for about a decade now. The FED was my first real redpill. That is what caught my attention here with all this R stuff. The 1909 date. See I had come to the conclusion that it all fell apart around 1913 with the FED at the root but it would make sense that stuff was happening a few years before that time. Like is shown in these posts there are so many things that changed in that time and the FED is just a little bit of it.


The David Williams videos I posted above (ctrl F it) are right in line with all this stuff and that guy is the real deal my anon. Also, the and stuff is very powerful and all linked up to these posts.


Now could R be fake and pushing the above information essentially using Q's silence as a way to get a toe in the door with anons? Certainly possible. So if thats the case, then where is the harm in it? THE MESSAGE is sound on the R Legal post front in my eyes and therefore worth the dig. I never had much luck with the Q posts as other smart anons were usually ahead of my ideas so I mostly just went along for the ride supporting where I can.


This legal stuff though, Wowzers! Imagine the possible future if we can get all that nonsense cleared away?! Hell, even if Q is sitting back laughing at this thread, the message is still sound. That is whats important. I wish I could contribute more to all this but I am one anon.


As for all the anger and vitriol here… For the Q people who hate this thread… No one is making you be here? The "noobs being distracted" argument is just silly. That is part of being a noob here and part of the journey in this place. I was drug off into the weeds sooooo many times since Haloween night 2017… I would be sad to have missed those experiences. I learned A LOT and don't regret a single red herring.


We all know Q is the real deal here…. But before you call R a larp. Remember November my friends when there was only a tiny band of us Anons trying to post Q's messages and getting laughed out of the room? Remember those days? I sure as hell do. It reminds me a LOT of right now on this thread. The message is what is important. Red herrings are not NEARLY as damaging as some make them out to be. I learn WAY more by failure than being spoon fed into success. It is certainly more messy but it is REAL knowledge. Anyway, I hope we can all catch R's message of "Learn to play nice with eachother or be left behind"…


We are all here to MAGA. We are all here to beat the Cabal. We are all here to return to sound currency and a legal system that is not shit. We are all here fighting to be free and to know the truth. THAT IS THE FIGHT!


I will leave all the anons here with this message and I hope you all take it to heart. I try to live my life by these ideals and more.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 3:55 p.m. No.2234550   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Never found anyone in the real world who has the vaguest idea who Q is… I wear a Q shirt around pretty often and never had a comment on it. Not even a glance. We are still a small tight group Which is good and bad.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 4:04 p.m. No.2234639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4715 >>4836

Thanks Anon. I will finish and update my line-by-line today to the best of my ability. Make one of your own if you like. My ideas certainly are not always correct. Hell I am usually wrong tbh. I still feel that the R-Legal post is a major part of all this and a part that many will not really understand. It takes a LOT of time to understand that stuff and it is emotionally/mentally damaging to do so. What it means, if correct, is dark indeed. I hope to see the end of it. Not only for myself but for my family and friends. Hell, even for the haters here. NO ONE deserves to be trapped in such a system, not even a rat I don't like deserves that. WWG1WGA

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 4:17 p.m. No.2234734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4948 >>5178 >>5917 >>0436 >>3822


Not sure why this is huge?


Here are all the crash reports from the NTSB. I think this is the stuff from the crash.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 4:35 p.m. No.2234882   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah, the 1933 site is new to me. I found it by accident looking for other stuff for ya yesterday so thank YOU for the inspiration. I love some tinfoil hat as well as real stuff so I will be looking through it for a while. Someone put one hell of a lot of work into that site as well as the native born citizen one. Anyway, Stayin' strong is EASY. I have a lot that is worth fighting for. Its that simple. I have A LOT that I will defend and work to improve. Its not even work to me. When it comes to this stuff I am tireless.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 4:51 p.m. No.2235024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5062


This whole place is essentially a disorganized chaotic information filtering system. People will come and go and those who do the back end work will tire and others will replace them. My guess is at least some of them simply took a break in this lul in the Q posts. Took the boat to the lake with the fam right? Who knows?



Naw man… I don't get it. I don't know. Some stuff that is obvious to people flies right by me. Not personal nor a critique by any means but its not clicking in my head. Numbers line up but its not like its his plane? so some company has a plane with a tail-number that matches someones birthday? I could probably find the same match with my birthday/initials somewhere. Its owned by some rando-company and was issued in 2006? I don't know. Don't base your confidence in that idea on my understanding as, like I said, sometimes I am an idiot and don't understand stuff that is plain as day to most.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 5:19 p.m. No.2235255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5357


Thats a damn good question actually. I don't have a clue how to get that info honestly. Also, to prove that it was legitimate would be very tough as, just like the death, powerful people with high level access could simply fake.


Proving him as alive or dead is second in my mind to the message being presented in these posts. Hell, even if it is fake it got some people looking into stuff that is nearly impossible to get people to even consider without an eye-roll. (The Legal post). Also tread carefully with the insurance dig.. So I am not an expert but there is some way that people can purchase life insurance with a company they own as part of their compensation. This life insurance is a COMPANY EXPENSE and therefore, TAX DEDUCTIBLE. So lets say you are rich as fuck and have a company that make s10 million a year in profit… Buy $2million a year in life insurance with the principals paid in full up front with a company you control and write it off as an expense. Now here is the trick… Borrow against the principal value of that life insurance (2 million in this case) from a bank who will take the life insurance as collateral. Borrowed funds are TAX FREE. You just dodged all income taxes on 2 milllion dollars of income and got the 2 million bucks in your pocket for some paperwork, interest and such. For someone with 20k that is just silly as the fees will kill you but for the big boys… Well Its like a Roth IRA with no limit and no rules. Anyway my point in this whole thing is that Life Insurance can be VERY COMPLEX and can have a lot of facets. You may find policies and information that may look like he died but, in reality, it was just something like the above example.


Are life insurance payouts publicly accessible info?

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 5:28 p.m. No.2235341   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Registration Type: Corporation

Owner: Skydogs Llc

Address: Fairfax, VA 22032

United States


VIrginia Secretary of the State Corporation search



Thats the company… That state does not seem to show the owners.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 9:25 p.m. No.2237456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7620


oohhh I know I know!

Started as posts on 4ch but not for long. Came to 8ch and ended up in CBTS. Matlock happened which was fun and cbts drama happened. There was a VERY brief foray into "The Storm" in which Q exited saying "We didn't like what we were seeing there" A bit more drama and some request by Q for Codemonkey to make him a board. Codemonkey said make your own fucking board as thats how we do it here at 8ch (super balsy move… what a stud) and Q made Qresearch that anyone can post in as well as that other one that only he posted in who's name I forgot. Lastly came patriots fight or something like that which is just a flag. Anywayyyyyy ha ha That is the short history of Q for ya Anon. -Cheers!

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 9:42 p.m. No.2237593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8187


Damn good summary self proclaimed anon newfag. Been on this since '07 and I agree point for point.



This is completely unique information from my digging… I have never seen the like. Excellent work. Keep it up please… Imagine a world where we could be rid of this nightmarish bullshit and control. I encourage you to watch Prime Minister David Williams's videos above in this thread along with nativeborncitizen and expose1933. They are long but they are almost exactly along the lines of this Rlegal post. I'm fighting to beat the bank and to end the corporate UNITED STATES.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 10:42 p.m. No.2238080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8228 >>2192

So what do we do? For the first time in my life I am not the lone madman in the world looking at this problem… How on earth do we manage to end the bankruptcy of the entire United States. Restore the Constitution, reinstate a different legal system, overthrow the most powerful richest men on earth and save humanity? Seems like a big job.

The biggest problem is people can't wrap their minds around it. It is just too big. I have always been a strategic thinker and one who sees the forest but can't find a tree. We will never redpill the masses with this legal and banking stuff. Not in my lifetime anyway. I don't think I have ever convinced even one person close to me that it is real let alone actionable.


I would do what ever it takes that is in my power to fix all this but I don't know where to start? What is our first step? Are we already much of the way through the process? Is this actually what Trump/Q/R(if real) is doing? It certainly would Make America Great Again if this is how far things would be going. What do you guys think? Any lawfags here? It seems to me like this is something that needs to be brought up in front of the Supreme Court or Congress to actually change. Congress is a hot mess and from my understanding of history has always been; probably by design. "Write your CONgressmen" is synonymous with putting a note in a bottle and throwing it in the ocean… It matters not at all. It seems like a constitutional issue that needs to be brought up to the Supreme Court. That body would have the firepower to wield the Constitution like a flaming sword of liberty and strike down this nonsense once and for all… But what would be the test case?


Does one of us go drive circles around a police station over the speed limit with no plates until we are pulled over then argue that the entire court is null and void because it is a Colorable court under an illegal corporate government that we never agreed to under a UCC contract? I don't even know what that means to be honest. I would do that shit but I would get laughed out of court and sent to jail and fined and I know it. See We can't fight this system inside the system but there is no way to get directly to the Supreme Court which is where it would have to go for there to be success since they pick their own cases. I have never in my life felt more like a very small fish in a very huge ocean than I do right now.


That brings me back to Prime Minister David Williams. He was also a tiny fish and he fought the biggest sharks ever and won. The problem is he won ONLY FOR HIMSELF. Sadly it is probably the most selfish thing imaginable that he did. Not saying he was wrong though. What do you guys think? What is the road to walk. I will gladly walk it alone or with anons but I just simply don't know where to go or what to do. KEK be with you all.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 11:34 p.m. No.2238485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8642 >>8965


Yeah I looked into the TDA account thing a bit. What I think happened with that (speculating here) is that they simply found a bug and exploited it. SImple as that. They found a way to toss their bills into the colossal shitstorm that is all bills running through the FED and always getting paid. Theirs got paid as well since they were tiny in comparison and then the door was closed. Definitely not real change. I never followed it up because I don't want a billion fake bullshit dollars in a shitty horrible world were everyone else suffers… Whats the point? Who cares if I am rich if everyone else is in hell. There is no point to that. They can keep their fake shitty money I want freedom for my self, my family and everyone else while I am at it. Fuck the money, with freedom money is EASYYY.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 11:42 p.m. No.2238558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8575 >>9969


NOTABLE (idk how to make it red)

God tier history lesson here. I was very much aware of the Presidential Execuitive Orders and the bankruptcy situation but you really fleshed it out. I have never met another person who has the vaguest clue about any of this stuff… I don't understand how DC allows all this to happen though? Something about it being a city-state free unto itself like the City of London within the City of London? That part has never clicked in my head sadly.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 21, 2018, 11:50 p.m. No.2238631   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well… SO we have found the Lawfag we have been looking for. Keep going… Don't stop whatever you do. Take you time with this. I will compile it into a bit of a document and will put it on Anonfile at the very least. I would like to do more with what is in this bread though. Something easily spreadable…. I'm going to go spray down a huge hornets nest in a bush in my yard so if I don't die in the process I will be right back.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 22, 2018, 12:28 a.m. No.2238868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8886


Ok I woke up a friend and she said she can make me a nice big pretty poster in one giant image with all this. We will dive into it tomorrow. That may be a really good way to make this all easy and clean for people to understand.



Yeah man…. Everything is fake. Awesome work though. You should go into depth more about this stuff. We will make a big poster sized image of it all and post it here for distro. Just explain what you did and why and what the result is and how it relates to all this stuff. This is actually a super-good way to get the normies honestly… Tell them they have a bank account with 100billion dollars in it if they want it they can just do x, y, z and go get it. That will get some attention for sure.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 22, 2018, 12:39 a.m. No.2238903   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Aww shit sorry ha ha…. Well, The memes are pretty funny actually. The Turd-hoe one is out-mazing.



Same. My son is on the way. I would love for him to grow up in a world where he doesn't have to get a social security number like a fucking slave…

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 22, 2018, 12:56 a.m. No.2238967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8982


Someone mentioned it a while back. Meh… Its cool either way honestly. I fucking love this subject. It is way more interesting than most of the "Trust Sessions" garbage on the Q threads. Like I said earlier in my first posts in this bread, I learned more from the red herrings doing all this than I ever did from the actual spoon-fed answers. What would really bake your noodle would be if all this stuff actually changed and you meant it as a joke. That would be WAY better than JFKjr faking his death and the story being true. Your ass would be out there on Oprah… "Yeah I started all that meaning for it to be real… but you have to trick people blah blah". The real proof on these topics is not the R posts or some silly unverified fuzzy photo of a dog of course.


The real proof is in the form of people like Prime Mininster David Williams and others like the TDA account guy here, though he is unverified. In the end I hope we, as a nation end the FED. That would be a world changing event in and of itself. Getting rid of the income tax and getting some sweet sweet UFO disclosure would just be icing on the cake for me. If you faked it all, Thanks bro, I learned a lot from the people here and am looking forward to learning quite a bit more.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 22, 2018, 1:01 a.m. No.2238983   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah I try to be a good person… I guess I never have to worry about the Illuminati cloning me in some lab… Can't have good people around right? Well, my anons, I am going to get to bed here but it has been a blast and I look forward to tomorrow. I will be here for sure! Way better than the shitted up Q boards at this point. I am dying to see 6d4e84 's continuation of that explanation of this whole thing then make a poster of it all.

Anonymous ID: 0ffe05 July 22, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.2241768   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have not watched Ring of Power but I will check it out today or tomorrow. Looks like PBS blocked that link for copywrite reasons as well just FYI. Yeah I was wondering about Potus FED appointments. heh, I wish he would put Ron Paul as chairman to shut it down ha ha. Agree totally with your beta test idea as well. Definitely a thing. Anyway take care anon! Will be back this afternoon.


Can't wait for 6d4e84's next edition