Free of zoning and taxes? This doesn’t make sense to me, how would you see that work?
So, without zoning, what stops my next door neighbor from putting in some sort of industrial noise tar making machinery, or fish processing plant in the middle of a residential neighbourhood? Without regulations what is in place to keep the air breathable, and fish scavengers from roaming the properties?
Without taxes, who pays for all the roads to be paved, bridges to be built, garbage to be collected, snow to be cleared, etc? And, who’s paying for all that military that’s going to protect that freedom?
For the sake of civil order, some zoning and taxes are needed. If your definition of freedom is to renege on responsibility of collective collaboration and agreement of village management for the community, nothing today is stopping you from chucking it all to become free and going to live in an off-grid region of the world. Pay no taxes, but you’ll have no roads, no water treatment, no sewage, no garbage collection, and so on.
The system can always be changed, and certainly room for improvement and accountability, but what it’s changed to will still involve some form of collective agreements and pooling of resources for the best of all in a community from village town halls to mega cities.