Anonymous ID: 5ec821 July 19, 2018, 9:48 p.m. No.2217456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7542 >>7891 >>0544 >>0683 >>1299

The man looking at the camera looks a LOT like John Perry Barlow. Cut his hair, shave the beard, add glasses and a suit and you’d have someone that looks just about like this guy.


Lots of Barlow info in Q posts back from last Feb. - he “died” Feb 7, 2018.


He worked with Snowden and Assange. There are lots of articles about him and why he called Snowden the worst Housewarming gift ever.


On a side note, there was a push on the last board (#5) that R is John Cusack. Seems very weak to me, however, Cusack does sit on the board of the Freedom of the Press Foundation that Snowden was the head of. They cut off Wikileaks tax-deductible funding after wikileaks released the DNC/HRC/Podesta items.


So, the Cusack thing is very slightly related to these topics but that just makes it more distracting.

Anonymous ID: 5ec821 July 19, 2018, 10:23 p.m. No.2217791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7995


Ok, thanks for the heads up. It wouldn’t let me reply back in #3 and i thought 5 was already full.


Can you help with a different thing? I saw a ref to GSP - greenville/spartanburg airport in a video of R #1 or #2 and can’t find it now. Post number was blurry but I think started 203…


Unirock did a debunk video of a defango sloothing of pic metadata from a Q pic post. Think it was in the AFI pic. The metadata showed gps coordinates near GSP in SC. And he found the house on Google maps.


I think the metadata was left there to troll them - which is why I sometimes watch if they are super excited. I looked out of curiousity and according to the GIS data, the house next door is owned by the Sect of Veteran Affairs which seems odd. And its in Gowdy’s district. Wonder if that’s were Snowden was hanging out, right by GSP where he just caught a flight to DC.


That would be an amusing future proves past/ trolling combo. But, I don’t know how to link that up with the question from several breads ago (esp when i can’t find it). I could see the trolling but not the significance until the Snowden flight was mentioned.

Anonymous ID: 5ec821 July 19, 2018, 10:44 p.m. No.2217995   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2217791 should have checked before - the acting Sec of Veteran Affairs is Peter O’Rourke.

he began in the Dept of Vet Affairs as the Ex Dir for Accountability and Whistleblower Protection.