Anonymous ID: 5f438a July 22, 2018, 6:40 a.m. No.2240354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0618

Anons, I've been recently seeing this R thread, the pushback is more because, for most people, and yes, I mean most anons and normies grasping the Q movement, it would discredit all they've gathered, basically decimating the movement because most people find it difficult to change their minds, or have a really open one, and the media would only make fun and discredit ALL. I like to keep an open mind, and find what you have here interesting but I wouldn't push this so hard because, as you can tell, most people won't follow (although some of the pushback might be because you are on point, who really knows). Try to make the best sense of this info, connect enough dots and keep a strong theory, so that if this is the real deal, you can explain it the best way possible, but don't count on people following in masse, at least not now.


Something that most of you might not follow, is just an idea that passed thru my mind that I'd like to share because I found it interesting, maybe just a coincidence, is that between the "new age" culture, the ones that explore consciousness, different vibrations, dimentions, timelines angels, aliens, etc. and that aren't really following the Q movement, talking about the time we got to reach Christ Consciousness (13,000 yrs, compared to 100,000+ yrs that they say civilizations usually have) before blowing us up thanks to the "lucifer experiment" or "experience" that came from Mars thousands of years ago when they blew themselves up (to then blow up Atlantis with an experiment done in what now is the Bermuda triangle, and is the same not-human cabal we have today, literally bodies without spirit, without love); Drunvalo Melchizedek mentioned recently that in reality we didn't make it, we blowed us up again, or the cabal did, so we got help and the timeline had to be fixed in 1999 so we could make it (it can be a confirmation bias, heard it in the aniversary of JFK Jr's death, or "death", Kek!). I won't expect you to follow this, I know how it sounds for most people here, like I mentioned, just an idea that I found interesting to keep in mind if some anons would like to go around it, for me doesn't hurt to keep it in my mind, I don't mean to slide.


Gonna be following also here, don't feel bad because you're being ostracized from Qresearch, try to understand them. And keep up the good work. God bless.

Anonymous ID: 5f438a July 22, 2018, 7:45 a.m. No.2240746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0926



Yeah, the more I dig into what you are doing here, the more I notice this. One "funny" thing, this thread caught my attention because I wanted to look for >>2224444 this post because of digits (first time I felt that "need") while lurking in the General, BC I didn't found it there, I got here because ("just because") but didn't really know what this was about yet. For a thread with so little input it really has a lot of gets. ;)