I’m sad, but I seriously love watchin the Bitcoin ticker
When trump gets control, this shit is going to sky rocket.
Peace yo.
I’m sad, but I seriously love watchin the Bitcoin ticker
When trump gets control, this shit is going to sky rocket.
Peace yo.
Fug, didn’t realise.
Thank you and
Love peace and harmony.
Don’t click that shit.
Love u thanks for the reminder.
Fug this current reality
Work teams meeting.
Pandering to fuggin everyone.
It used to be a pint in a pub with a meal.
Last straw was..
Oh we might as well. Just all get vegitaraia then we will all be happy.
Switched Mike on.
>fuck that I’ll bring my own shit in.
Oh btw, this was discussing the works fuddle so to speak.
Bithch didn’t know this number was…>>22166666
Member member 5th of November..
God bless u trump. X
I’ve allready put enough buns In The oven.
The women don’t appreciate.
God class u all the same.
Ty baker.