No sharp edges.
>Nah, that doesn't float.
>The exact reason why FM radio stations are receiving signals from drones isn't definitively known, it's likely a combination of incidental electromagnetic interference and the broader mystery surrounding these drone sightings. The ongoing investigations aim to clarify these anomalies, but as of now, the situation remains unresolved.
Can I get old broadcasts of Coast to Coast AM? Barry Farber? Bruce Williams? Rush? The Shadow? Inquiring minds want to know.
>lookin a lil different
What a bunch of shit. Made a bunch of Union carpenters rich, only to be torn down again.
Trump should have the inauguration on the 17 hole at one of his golf courses and then play through.
"Member when the glittery strands we put on Christmas trees were pure lead? We used to cruise the neighborhood-on trash day gleaning bags of them to roll into lead pills for our pea shooters. Have a half dozen in your cheek for rapid fire like .22 shells.
>you must be old
"Seasoned", "Wise", :Experienced", "Knowledgeable", "Learned", Not "old".