Anonymous ID: c81393 Dec. 15, 2024, 9:28 a.m. No.22169918   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Humanity is here. The last church!


The Church Of Laodicea: Avoiding The Peril Of The Final Church Age

This is our final study about seven church ages. This article will look at the final church age that is represented by Christ letter to Laodicea. Remember that number seven is a number that represents completeness. We have looked at these ages and have seen how amazingly church history aligns with all written words of Jesus Christ as he wrote to these seven churches. Of course, as we study these things we remember that all of this scripture is applicable to us. It there is a challenge to change our ways, we should heed that. If there is a promise to be claimed, we can claim that. If there is an exhortation to heed, we should listen.



The Laodicean church age has a horrible distinction that Jesus literally has nothing good to say about this church. There is no commendation. This is a sad commentary on the relevance and power of this church before Christ’s coming. He has nothing good to say about it. A lukewarm church is something to be ashamed of. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people in today’s world that are like this church.




They are sickeningly lukewarm

Revelation 3:15 “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot.” It is not that this church doesn’t ever do anything. They apparently have different actions and steps and things that they do. But one problem is that these deeds are not hot, or they are not cold. If they were hot, they would be “on fire for God.” They would be endued with Holy Spirit fire. To be hot means that there is a certain zealousness that is a part of ones works. To be cold, means that you have no life. If one is cold toward God, that means that God has no place in your life.


But this church is not hot, not cold, but simply lukewarm. It refers to a modern church with lots of activities and committees and plans but no power. 2 Timothy 3:5 I believe accurately describes the Lukewarm church age. It says, “having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.” This is a church that claims to be blessed of God, they look like a church, but they deny his power. Here is the thing. Only God can change the hearts of men. A church that is hot would know that. There are a lot of churches today, that are caught up in social action. You can get all caught up in politics, but politics doesn’t change anyone. You can march in the street, and picket abortion clinics, and try to do all kinds of things to change society. You can go on social media and rant and rave about people’s sins. But social action doesn’t change anyone’s heart. Only the gospel changes people. Only when people come into contact with God are they changed. In this type of church, people are more interested in planning than praying. Rarely would a person be “born again” in a church like this one.