What an incredible man the POTUS is! The power of his SOTU speech was breathtaking. Standing in the spotlight of that magnificent building, telling it like it is.
Finally, a President who serves the people and puts the USA 1st!
The correlation between Q's posts was an amazing confirmation for this board. His plans for taking down /_\ have been laid bare for the world to see. You should all be immensely proud of what you’ve done here. We have fought side by side in the battle against the fake news media and won. The LoserBots will never stop us.
Starting with the failed assassination attempt on Scalise, he built on the tremendous achievements of the US economy over the last 12 months and his successful reforms to national legislature. He honored the sacrifices of the patriots gathered in the crowd: The real defenders of freedom and mocked the spineless obstructionists that refused to stand up from their seats.
My heart just about broke as he reached the finale. The exposure of these terrorist killers' crimes and the corruption in DC is nearly here. And it's Guantanamo Bay for the lot of them. You will pay for the death and destruction you have brought into the world. You will never threaten us again! AFGHANISTAN>IRAQ>SYRIA>IRAN>NK
I took extreme satisfaction seeing the D's scurry out of the room as soon as it was over, back into the darkness from where they crawled.
He is MAGA in spite of the relentless attacks he has endured since taking office. What a beautiful vision for this planet, all of humanity, united again.
now lets #ReadTheMemo