How to make a progressive agree that taxation is unconstitutional
Progressives believe that the Constitution should be interpreted in modern terms, so…
You must work to make money.
When you make money the government requires you to give some of it to them.
= Therefore you are working at least part time for the government, i.e. you are in servitude to the government.
If you refuse to pay taxes the government uses force to take the money from you.
= Therefore paying taxes is not voluntary, i.e. it is involuntary.
The definition of slavery is involuntary servitude.
= Therefore taxation, which is servitude and involuntary, is slavery.
Inconvenient question to ask a socialist: Why are you trying to make me a slave?
Inconvenient question to ask a socialist that is campaigning for your vote: Why should I vote for someone that wants to make me a slave?
+The 13th amendment made involuntary servitude unconstitutional.
= Therefore taxation, which is slavery, is unconstitutional.