Anonymous ID: a9549c July 22, 2018, 1:16 a.m. No.2239038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3202


No matter how hard you rationalize it, the fact remains: Christians believe in the magical power of human sacrifice. And that's exactly what proves Christianity is misguided.


Just think for a moment: God is ALL-POWERFUL! There is no reason whatsoever why God would need a human sacrifice to be made to accomplish anything!


Satanists make human and animal sacrifices, because the life force that is released upon death can be trapped and channeled to the demonic entities they serve, in return for which the demons will agree to provide some favors.


The best and highest Satanic sacrifice, releasing the most life force, is a human being. Preferably a man, because males have more energy. Preferably a virgin, because sexual entanglement reduces our energy. And preferably a spiritual master, because he has much more spiritual power than a normal man.


Hmmm, it pretty much sounds like Jesus would be the PERFECT SATANIC SACRIFICE, doesn't it?


You, my friend, still have one very bitter red pill to swallow, the truth about the religion you are following. Here it is, straight and to the point:


Jesus was the real deal, and he came to us to TEACH us spiritual truths, so that we might be saved. The Satanists didn't like that, so they had him killed. Then they corrupted his teachings and claimed Jesus had come here to be killed. Instead of following the actual TEACHINGS of Jesus, Christians have been fooled into celebrating the MURDER of Jesus as a divine act. This is egregious blasphemy against the most high. Sorry, it can't be stated any more gently.


As Q would say: use logic.


The doctrine you are defending is deeply illogical. It claims God, the Creator of all that exists, is so powerless He must use human sacrifice to save souls. It claims murdering the highest soul who ever set foot on earth is A GOOD THING. And it uses FEAR to make people accept this, by threatening with eternal damnation if you don't buy it.


All of the above is Satanic deception. The stench of lies is overwhelming.


Meanwhile, the truth is very simple and perfectly logical, and I gave it to you above. Jesus came to help. Satanists murdered him, then turned his murder into a false religion and fed on the outpouring of billions of people who daily pray for "the blood of Jesus to be upon them", thinking that will save them.


It is evil and cunning, but that's what Satan is like, so what did you expect?