Anonymous ID: ad26e6 Aug. 4, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.2457487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8055



You are missing the point…. Religion… organized religion…. is a method of control and slavery…


I attend a Catholic mass each week… it is NOT a bad thing… to those who have knowledge. The innocents who have been deceived are those who Jesus wanted/ wants to "save".


And yes… the Catholic Church can be linked to the cabal.. It is a means of control. Yet Catholic believers are on the side of good.


This is a quote from a gnostic text that really hit home for me at this point in "time".


Words of Jesus: "I have come to destroy the sacrifices. And if you do not stop making sacrifice, God's wrath will not stop afflicting you." (The Gospel of the Ebionites)

Anonymous ID: ad26e6 Aug. 4, 2018, 7:29 p.m. No.2457761   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I don't want to appear as "picking" on you, so don't take this personally…


My better half tolerates my Q revelations, but always want to have it confirmed by MSM. NOT going to happen.


You seem to be looking for the same thing. Anon (BO) is enlightening you to pre-knowledge of a soon-coming disclosure and you want "proof" from a mainstream source.


If you want to claim the bible as an absolute true source, you may be lost and if so God Bless you and move on.


Those who question the bible and it's interpretations are a crowd of their own. Most don't stick in down anyone's throats.


There are newly discovered texts (1940s) that - IF you can trust the interpretation of language- show up the infallices of the assumed Christian Hebrew texts. There is room here for discussion and analysis.


The Almighty challenges us. For all the talk of sheep/shepherd.. the almighty wants us to be strong. He wants us to question the current philosophy…


Belief is the enemy of Knowledge.


Blessing to all. We are all fighting the fight. Not necessarily on the same page, but with the same will.