Anonymous ID: 26cc4b July 19, 2018, 10:30 p.m. No.2217861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7908

>>2217689 Remember, she was NOT supposed to lose. So (((they))) have no plan B. They can only adapt to THE PLAN, the revelation of which has been exclusive through Q.

When posting on a public forum, ANYONE can get the info being dropped, and use it to their advantage, (((them))) included. Well intended Patriot anons aren't the only ones here digging & using the intel to the best of their ability. If (((they))) can somewhat catch on to POTUS/MI's moves by reading crumbs with actual intel in them here (((they))) can counteract in the midst of their confusion. Well, when there's no details of the of the plan given to them for two weeks AND the plan keeps gaining momentum, they have no real way to plan countermoves. There's black hats more desperate & thirsty for a Q drop right now than Patriot anons ever could be. Becasue they have only their original plan to go with, they had no idea that this one would ruin their plan(s).


If you have your enemies playbook, and then it's taken from you, you no longer know what their next move will be. (((They))) are more starved for Q drops than anons and autists are, (((they))) are going through an intel withdrawal (strings cut).

Anonymous ID: 26cc4b July 19, 2018, 10:51 p.m. No.2218060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8075


>In every crumb, Q drops, he includes traps and pitfalls to snare the weakminded. They are intended for the blackhats, but they will catch anyone


>No one would be dropping intel openly without many such purposes.


Some of the most logical thinking here over the last 12 hours or so. Autists have not left the room