Anonymous ID: 6970c3 July 19, 2018, 10:06 p.m. No.2217642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7685 >>7688 >>7707 >>7825


Artfag here. I would be cautious about how you approach issues like this. I know exactly where Gunn is coming from because I lived with that very attitude before my awakening. Most artists choose the "art life" to avoid the real world. Part of the "joy" that comes from that lifestyle is the complete lack of inhibition that is encouraged by other artists due to the expectations of being "provocative." When you are this disconnected from normal people your sense of humor and approach to life is oftentimes detached and somewhat perverted BECAUSE you aren't grasping how real some of the things you are laughing about are. I think Gunn is one of many who fell into that trap of disconnection. We are here to expose evil, not leading witch hunts against non witches.

Anonymous ID: 6970c3 July 19, 2018, 10:32 p.m. No.2217874   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I never said it was funny. There is a difference between saying and doing as we all know. Gunn came from Troma studios helmed by Lloyd Kaufman. The films are over the top gross and sick and Gunn directed one of the most famously known ones called Tromeo & Juliet. In it there is a penis monster. If you are encouraged to make believe this stuff then you will have no problem make believing other things because of the disconnect you allow yourself from actual experiences vs abstract ones.