Anonymous ID: 730e27 July 19, 2018, 10:06 p.m. No.2217645   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7676


Makes sense. I always said that in order for the public disclosure to be effective on dummy liberals, it would take more than just evidence…. it would take bad actors singing on each other. Looks like we are squeezing each and every one of them

Anonymous ID: 730e27 July 19, 2018, 10:13 p.m. No.2217690   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7730 >>7747


Im not sure. Maybe they didnt want to tip anything off. This was reported very quietly, but I remember it well back in October. Tony Podesta stepped down the same weekend Paul Manafort was made aware of his sealed indictment to be opened that Monday.

Anonymous ID: 730e27 July 19, 2018, 10:23 p.m. No.2217797   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7845


Yes I often wonder that too. Not a peep out of Tony P since Nov of last year, and he doesnt even have twatter account. Im not quoting MegaAnon as gospel here, but she said Tony tried to flee to Pakistan, his plane was intercepted in mid-air by us, we followed it to Pakistan, landed with him, put his ass on a plane right back to USA and straight to Gitmo. But as you touched on, maybe some of the people at Gitmo arent there for punishment (yet), but to keep isolated, and even safe. I would hope Weiner is Gitmo or somewhere safe, he is a huge ace in the hole.

Anonymous ID: 730e27 July 19, 2018, 10:32 p.m. No.2217877   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7898 >>7940 >>7967 >>7976 >>8077 >>8295 >>8301



Trump appointed Rosenstein (flipped). They dont even know each other, but Trump chose RR for Dep AG out of anyone on planet Earth. Sessions recuses himself, and very quickly, for a dumb reason. Trump fires Comey (flipped also). Comey immediately releases his memos, suggests there should be a special counsel. Rosenstein appoints the Special Counsel 7 days after Comey is fired. This is important. NOTHING in WashDC happens fast, but Rosenstein creates a Special Counsel one week later.


Now lets talk about Trump draining the world swamp and cutting the cabal strings, all the way to the very top. In order to keep the cabal at ease, they have to think Trump will fail. They arent stupid, they know what Trump is doing, or in their perspective what he is trying to do. If someone like Devin Nunes was doing the special counsel, they would have nuked everybody by now…or assassinated POTUS. Having /theirguy/ RR appoint /theirguy/ RM, it keeps them at bay, thinking RR and RM will hang Trump, frame him, burn him, "find evidence" etc. RR and RM are both dirty as shit, always have been, but they are neutralized and working a deal for white hats. This is the ONLY thing keeping the plan going.


Notice how the only people Mueller has gone after were people the Dems planted to help further the Trump Russia collusion cry? Papadopolaus, Manafort, C Page, etc were all dem plants to connect Russia to Trump. Mueller has busted them all. This is done for optics. Black hats are sitting there high fiving each other saying "yeahhhh, our plan is working", "our boy Mueller is getting all the people we used to connect Russia to Trump". This is being done for optics to make black hats think Mueller is on their side and subtly following "the plan". Some 3D chess being played here. Mueller does just enough to remind the country he is there. And everything he does makes Trump look more and more guilty….. for optics. Black hats can never know Mueller is compromised or the entire plan would be for nothing. Mueller is a fly trap, he is a laser pointer, helping white hats buy time for their secret operation. He is made to look like he's dragging this out till past midterms to hurt Trump. The optics need for citizens to think Mueller is dirty and setting Trump up. It needs to be that way. Its the opposite.

Anonymous ID: 730e27 July 19, 2018, 10:42 p.m. No.2217980   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7998 >>8034 >>8205


>I like it and I'd hope to think like that but the >problem with that is that if you and me can >figure this out on an 8chan board (who >supposedly the bad guys surf) what makes >you think they could not easily figure it out and >flip on their support for mueller.

bad actors on this board, yes, but how many crazy theories do you see daily?! they see the mueller is flipped theories and laugh at us like we are insane.

>And you also said Mueller is only going after >dem plants but that's not true at all. He has >seriously damaged General Michael Flynn's >life and continues to do so.

he didnt go after Flynn, Pence Mccabe Strzok and deep state did. Flynn got a plea deal to testify with his guilty plea. Think about that. He pleaded guilty and gets to testify. And wait until he gets his moment, he has a bomb to deliver under oath. Flynn is not in a great spot at the moment, he is taking a rubber bullet as Q said. But he will be fine and vindicated in the end. Pence fucked Flynn. Pence is a black hat.