Anonymous ID: e40719 July 19, 2018, 10:12 p.m. No.2217682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7751 >>7836 >>8178 >>8388

>>2215603 (#2973 Podesta email notable)

The gift definitely keeps giving, especially if that's this guy.

Campbell here is the Chairman and CEO of The Asia Group, and the President, Nirav Patel, is on the CNAS Council roster.


" From 2009 to 2013, he served as the Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, where he is widely credited as being a key architect of the “pivot to Asia.” For advancing a comprehensive U.S. strategy that took him to every corner of the Asia-Pacific region, Secretary Hillary Clinton awarded him the Secretary of State’s Distinguished Service Award (2013) — the nation’s highest diplomatic honor. Campbell was recognized in the Queen’s New Year’s list of honors in 2014 as an Honorary Officer of the Order of Australia and as an Honorary Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for his work in support of American relations with Australia and New Zealand respectively. He also received top national honors from Korea and Taiwan."


"Dr. Campbell was a contributing writer to The New York Times and now writes a regular column for the Financial Times. Dr. Campbell is a member of the Aspen Strategy Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the International Institute for Strategic Studies, and the Trilateral Commission."


I dug on this group a little bit a while ago because it came up tracing down some of our notable people, like Nuland, Jeh Johnson, Albright. Scrolling through the pages again I noticed Christopher Heinz, John Kerry's stepson, is also a Fellow and serves on the Board of Advisers.

Anonymous ID: e40719 July 19, 2018, 10:18 p.m. No.2217725   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That was a working theory. I agree with it. Jordan starts discussing the missiles at about 7:40 and says the same of the BDT clue/Q's statement it was necessary FG&C

Anonymous ID: e40719 July 19, 2018, 11:25 p.m. No.2218362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8369


Probably because this has less to do with "Russian collusion" and more to do with Soros contributing to trying to bring Russia down from within, which Podesta would know about?


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"The Browder campaign to publicise the fraud and seek justice for Magnitsky has long made him a hate figure for the Kremlin. In April, a Russian state TV channel aired the fifth film-length attack on Mr Browder in three years. It claimed the US-born fund manager, now a UK citizen, was an MI6 operative codenamed Agent Solomon, who had recruited opposition leader Alexei Navalny in an operation to destroy Russia.


The film appeared a crude fake, with mistakes in basic English in “secret” CIA documents shown as evidence of its assertions. It also seemed to have been rushed out in the wake of a revelation in the Panama Papers that $2bn had passed through a network of offshore companies nominally controlled by Sergei Roldugin , a cellist friend of Mr Putin. One of the groups involved in the Panama Papers investigation later reported that some Magnitsky fraud money had passed through part of the same network."

“analysts recall that “we now have Soros behind many ‘color’ revolutions in other countries and financing in effect a semi-color revolution in US,” making a reference to the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, among others. “I don’t know if it categorizes as treason. He certainly operates from the shadows. His only legitimacy is his wallet. His only concern is to create the kind of democracy he can prop up and gain an interest from. That’s the kind of person who is behind this continuing protest against a valid, legitimate, free election.”


Billionaire globalist financier George Soros’ has been revealed to be a driving force behind the organizing of nationwide protests against the election of Donald Trump — exposing the protests to largely be an organized, top-down operation — and not an organic movement of concerned Americans taking to the streets as reported by the mainstream media.” 2014 article “Mystery man: Ukraine's U.S. Fixer”

“Manafort’s firm had a set of international clients and produced an analysis of the Orange Revolution that Yanukovych found instructive, according to one operative involved in Yanukovych’s political rehabilitation. Manafort became, in effect, a general consultant to Yanukovych’s Party of Regions, shaping big-picture messaging, coaching Yanukovych to speak in punchy, American-style sound bites and managing teams of consultants and attorneys in both Ukraine and the United States ahead of an anticipated Yanukovych comeback. While it’s difficult to track payments in foreign elections, a former associate familiar with Manafort’s earnings say they ran into the seven figures over several years.

After Yanukovych’s 2010 victory, Manafort stayed on as an adviser to the Russia-friendly president and became involved in other business projects in Eastern Europe. In 2012, then-U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John Tefft told the newspaper Ukrainska Pravda that he had met with Manafort, though he declined to elaborate on the American’s role there.”


^Given that Manafort's activities were public knowledge in 2014, I'm pretty sure that the Mueller probe has very much to do with the hinky import/export loop, especially gas and cars, and the pointed object of locking out Russia and economically gutting the US. EU/NATO were excessively relevant during Crimea/Ukraine crises. (2013)

“European countries hope to match the US shale gas boom, and the energy independence it has brought. However, Europeans have shown much more political dissents towards fracking, and already, Chevron has pulled out of shale exploration deals in Lithuania and Romania.

Ukraine sees shale gas as a win-win: they can both cut costs and move away from Russian gas.”



Anonymous ID: e40719 July 19, 2018, 11:26 p.m. No.2218369   🗄️.is 🔗kun


“On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered troops near Ukraine's border to return to their bases as the US secretary of state, John Kerry, visited Kiev.

The latest developments are the result of a four-month-long deadlock between Ukrainian demonstrators and Viktor Yanukovych's government. Protests erupted on 21 November 2013 when then-president Yanukovich backtracked on promises made to sign a trade deal with the EU, allegedly at Moscow's behest. Though protests, set off by the pivot toward Russia, were initially peaceful, things turned violent in January when police tried to break up demonstrations in a violent crackdown.”


^Trade deal with the EU. Hmm, interesting.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Sunday denounced European Union sanctions imposed on Russia, during a visit to President Vladimir Putin in Moscow ahead of the Moscow World Cup final.

Hungary has unusually warm ties with Russia for an EU member state, and Orban and Putin visit each other regularly.

"Because of these measures (sanctions imposed over Russian activity in Ukraine) we are losing opportunities," the Hungarian leader said in comments reported by Russian news agencies.

"If there were no sanctions, we would be able to cooperate more and make greater advances," he said. (current)

“Over in the models ranking, after placing #2 last October and each month since February, the Audi A3 steps up to the pole position with sales up 53-fold on May 2017. Just as the U.S. Stock of stopsale VW Golf seems to have run out (it is down to #51 this month), the similarly polluting A3 is still running strong. Both the Golf and the A3 is still running strong. Both the Golf and the A3 successful in Ukraine actually come from the US; they are unsold new vehicles produced in 2015 or 2016 and affected by the diesel emissions scandal, and therefore banned for sale there. They are sold at cut-throat prices in Ukraine.”


(Current Context Chevron vs Exxon:Tillerson)

“While Tillerson has ties to Russia, he partly missed a key energy development back home in the United States by ceding growth potential in the shale oil industry to smaller, more nimble rivals, including Continental Resources.

That has pushed down the company’s production of oil and natural gas about 14% since Tillerson took office.”

“Today I give the nod to Exxon, but it faces significant headline risks with respect to Rex Tillerson and its coming reserves impairment charges.”

