you might see this community note going around regarding the missing nuke material in NJ.
Off hand, it seems perfectly legit and reasonable in it's presentation. However, please bear in mind the NRC will not be posting a version that has classified material on a public website. Not that I know if there is a classified version, but for all intensive purposes, let's pretend there is and that somebody is mildly competent at keeping it from leaking to a public platform. Even better, some big wigs want to make the public mildly aware of a possible thingee and have concocted this sh*t as a stand in.
Just thought I'd share my thoughts.
The notice is for a lost PET Scanner, lost during shipping for disposal.
If you stood next to it naked for a year you would absorb 10 millsievert. (1/100th). Equivalent to a normal CT scan.
To be lethal you would need to be exposed to 4-5 sievert in a short period.