The Model Predicts the Shooter is
-Rainbow Person
-On FBI Watch list
-On Pharmaceuticals
The Model Predicts the Shooter is
-Rainbow Person
-On FBI Watch list
-On Pharmaceuticals
Canadian veterans get paid out a percentage per injury to a payout cap of 100% disability payment of $300,000
Broken knee - 5% of $300,000
Broken Back - 10% of $300,000
Monthly Disability pensions exist, but many soldiers don't qualify for it
Do American Wounded soldiers have something similar?
Rumor is Trudeau spent $60 Billion when he budgeted for $40Billion
So for all that money
Is the Military Stronger? nope it's the weakest it's ever been
Is the Medical System Better off? Nope it's the Worst it's ever been
Did we pull anyone out of Poverty? nope, the opposite happened
Did we solve the homless probelm? nope it's a Crisis Now
Did we make food more Affordable? Nope 10,000,000 Canadians are using food banks
So what did Canadian get to show for $60Billion in over Spending
Nothing, they got nothing & now they're Broke
oh yeah
5,000,000 Immigrants
That the Taxpayer Subsidizes their Wages, Housing, food. welfare, Medical & Phone bills
Trudeau Mismanged Canada by Design
So that the UN/WEF can buy it off
It's done, Canada is Broken beyond repair
Question is Would Canadians prefer being Ruled over by UN/WEF Elites or Join America?
I've heard that Rumor as well
It was supposed to be a North American Union
Ruled over by a Group of Elites like the European Union
Canada Joining America is not part of their plan
Canadians are gonna be Pissed once this sinks in
They Pay Their Income Tax, Carbon Tax, Sales Tax, Property Tax, HST, PST, GST & Land Taxes
& They've got Literally nothing to show for it
Kinda like they were Robbed by a guy who is only interested in Enriching Himself and his Elite Friends at the Cost of the Next Generation
Trudeau is not Resigning
He think's himself King
Like Xi Xing Ping
He bought a Ticket for the other side
He Bankrupted the Country Financially, Economically, Spiritually & Morally
So he can rule of the Ash & Dirt
WEF Scum
At Least Canadians now Know Why Trudeau wants their Guns
Canada needs a Businessman (Kevin O'Leary) & D.O.G.E.
yeah Mitch
What do you call it when you still get the thing the "Proven Cure" protected you from?
A Scam, Mitch, that's called a Scam
After This Budget catastrophe
I have a feeling, Fuck Trudeau will be on the rise again
>I forgot the real cause
Fauci, Fauci Caused it
Like FBI creating Terrorist to stop Terrorists
& Fire Fighters Stating Fires to put them out
Since No one is taking Ownership for the Drones
If one Falls, it's fair game…….
Grab it, Stash it, Take it apart
Record Everything
Post On Net
boy, he sure shifted that Overton window like a pro
but, If Trudeau isn't in Charge
Who would take on the burden of Driving it into the Ground?
He calls Conservatives Buddies of Trump & MAGA Conservatives
Sooo Jagmeet… Remind me why it's a bad thing to Make Canada Great Again?