Anonymous ID: 68d714 July 21, 2018, 6:48 a.m. No.2230339   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sir Richard Steele (March 12, 1672 to 1 September 1, 1729) is the author of "The Christian Hero," published in 1701.


"The world is divided between two sorts of people, the men of wit and the men of business, and these two have it wholly in their power; but however mighty the latter may esteem themselves, they have much the less share in government of mankind…"


And till they [the men pf business] can keep the others out of company as well as employment, they [the men of wit] will have an almost irresistible dominion over us: for their imagination is so very quick and lively, that in all they enjoy or possess…"


They have a relish highly superior to that of slower men; which fine sense of things they can communicate to others in so prevailing a manner, that they give and take away what impressions they please; for while the man of wit speaks..


He bestows upon his hearers, by an apt representation of his thoughts, all the happiness and pleasure of being such as he is, and quickens our heavier life into joys we should never of ourselves have tasted, so that we are, for our own sakes…"


His slaves and followers: but indeed they [the men of wit] generally use this charming force with the utmost tyranny, and as it is too much in their power, misplace our love, our hatred, our desires, and aversions on improper objects…


So that when we are left to ourselves, we find truth discolored to us; and they of faculties above us have wrapped things, in their own nature of a dark and horrid aspect, in so bright a disguise…"


That they have stamped a kind of praise and gallantry on some vices, and half persuaded us that a whore may still be a beauty, and an adulterer no villain.


These ills are supported by the arbitrary sway of legislative ridicule… Conversation is confined to indifferent, low, or perhaps vicious subjects; and all that is serious, good, or great, almost banished the world."


That they have stamped a kind of praise and gallantry on some vices, and half persuaded us that a whore may still be a beauty, and an adulterer no villain.